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16 Feb 2023
Andrey Slepnev, "As of year-end 2022, trade turnover between the EAEU and China exceeded 200 billion dollars"
текст The matters of technical regulation, application of SPS-measures, customs cooperation, interaction in competition and market protection measures were discussed by the participants in the third meeting of the joint commission on implementing The Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union and the People's Republic of China that was held online on February 16 and chaired by Andrey Slepnev, Minister in charge of Trade of the Eurasian Economic Commission, and Li Fei, Assistant Minister of Commerce of the PRC. An important outcome of the meeting was adoption of the road map on promoting trade and economic cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union and its Member States, on the one hand, and the People's Republic of China, on the other hand, that includes activities in the field of digitalizing rail transport, exchange of information on strategic planning matters and joint research on the prospects of cooperation development. Special attention was paid to implementing the industry agenda. In particular, it was agreed that this year the parties would hold joint events to study prospects for cooperation in the fields of public procurement, industry and finance, as well as for veterinary and phytosanitary cooperation. "We have agreed to continue promotion of the "Eurasian Agroexpress" project aimed at expedited transportation of food products from the EAEU to China by rail," told Andrey Slepnev following the meeting. "The project has a special significance in the context of diversifying the nomenclature of goods supplied by our Union and increasing the trade turnover with the PRC that exceeded 200 billion dollars as of year-end 2022." For reference The Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union and its Member States, on the one part, and the People's Republic of China, on the other part, was signed on May 17, 2018 and entered into force on October 25, 2019. The previous, second, meeting of the Joint Commission on implementing the Agreement chaired by Andrey Slepnev, EEC Minister in charge of Trade, and Wang Shouwen, Assistant Minister of Commerce of the PRC, was held via videoconferencing on December 21, 2021.
17 Aug 2022
FAO and the Eurasian Economic Commission: points of growth and common interests
In connection with a working visit on 17-18 August to the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia for scheduled expert consultations between FAO and the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), Armen Harutyunyan, Director of the EEC Agro-Industrial Policy Department, gave an exclusive interview to the FAOLOR website.
24 Feb 2021
EAEU to master new methods for regulating digital markets - EEC Minister
The Eurasian Economic Commission constantly improves working conditions of the EAEU business, and sophisticating the antitrust regulation mechanisms is one of the directions thereto. As the EEC has suggested during the Antitrust Forum held on February 18, the Eurasian Union needs new approaches to antitrust compliance since the existing norms have not been brought to unified standards. The issue also concerns digital markets, the development of which has been intensified in response to the pandemic and restrictions accompanying it. Arman Shakkaliev, Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Competition and Antitrust Regulation of the Commission, has told in his interview to "Eurasia.Expert” about measures the EEC now uses to protect competition as well as changes it prepares.
24 Feb 2021
"It is up to the business community to define the EEC agenda, and we should hear the business community"
Published in the "Competition and Law" Magazine No. 1, 2021 The Eurasian Economic Commission’s Antitrust Unit was one of the main news-makers in the field of competition protection last year. The regulator's plans are large-scale as well: to control anticompetitive digital practices, to elaborate specialized guidelines, to expand the EEC's powers to companies from third countries and to introduce a compliance system at the supranational level as well as interactive format for interaction with business. What are the main outcomes of the Unit’s work in 2020? And what are the objectives set for 2021? Arman Abaevich Shakkaliev, Member of the Board – EEC Minister in charge of Competition and Antitrust Regulation, reports. About "digital" antitrust regulation.
03 Feb 2021
Interview with Arman Shakkaliev, EEC Minister in charge of Competition
Highlights - International roaming will be canceled within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) by 2025. Russian citizens will be able to use home tariff plan in Kazakhstan, Armenia and other Union countries.
28 Jun 2019
Interview of Sergei Sidorsky, Minister on Industry and Agriculture, to Soyuz. Belarus Segodnya newspaper
At the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council session held in May in Astana, the Presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus ratified the Concept of Coordinated Agricultural Policy in CES. Well-balanced development of agricultural industry, export growth, and guarantees of fair competition and equal access to the common agricultural market are the fundamental principles of the above Concept.
24 Oct 2017
Interview: Tigran Sargsyan on the Eurasian Economic Union
The chairman of the EEU’s Eurasian Economic Commission talks about the trade bloc’s past, present, and future.
14 Dec 2016
The interview of the Minister on the technical regulation of the EEC Valery Koreshkov with BELTA news agency on establishment of the common market of medicines in the Eurasian Economic Union
Medicines is the first group of specific goods, with which the EAEU countries started to work closely by the beginning of the functioning of the common market. Using this experience, the EAEU will form other common markets - for finances, energy, oil and gas, and so on. The BELTA journalist discussed with the EEC Board Member - Minister in charge of technical regulation Valery Koreshkov, what stages are yet to be covered and how the common market of medicines will work.
14 Dec 2016
Highlights of the speech by the Chairman of the EEC Board Tigran Sargsyan at the Conference of the EDB, published in the “Vedomosti” newspaper: “Overcoming under-integration”
I believe there is huge potential for the economic growth in Eurasia, which has not yet been explored. And I think that the main tool that could greatly stimulate the economic growth in our countries may be this supranational institution which has been created. Because our main mission is to be able to summarize the best practices that have been accumulated in the countries, and basing on them, international experience, experience of the European Union we will have to introduce these new supranational institutions, which will stimulate the economic growth in our countries. The axiomatics which lie at the heart of our Treaty on the Union is as follows: If we create the common economic space, we will remove barriers, exemptions and restrictions, create conditions for the free movement of goods, services, capital, and labor, which alone will ensure great potential for the economic growth.
14 Dec 2016
the Minister in charge of Economy and Financial Policy, Doctor of Law Askar Kishkembaev with the newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”: “Integration initiatives of the independent Kazakhstan in the post-Soviet space. View from Moscow”
In just a few days Kazakhstan will celebrate the main national holiday of the Republic, the Kazakhstan’s Independence Day. On this day in 1991, the Supreme Council of the country adopted a law on the Republic’s independence and state sovereignty of Kazakhstan.
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