14 Jan 2025 EAEU to impose anti-dumping duty on cast aluminum wheels from Japan, Thailand, Türkiye and Malaysia The Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission decided to impose an anti-dumping duty on cast aluminum wheels from Japan, Thailand, Türkiye and Malaysia. The measure will apply to both new and used wheels 13 to 20 inches in diameter inclusive, with or without tires mounted on them. It will be valid for a period of five years. The duty is set at 9.38-42.82% of the customs value, depending on the country of origin. The decision was made following the results of an anti-dumping investigation launched by the EEC's Internal Market Protection Department on March 1, 2023 at the request of the association Union of Producers, Suppliers and Consumers of Aluminum. Following the investigation, some instances of dumping imports of goods originating from the said countries and material injury to an economic sector of the Eurasian Economic Union were established. "The pricing policy of cast aluminum wheel manufacturers from the dumping countries resulted in our own companies being unable to increase the selling price of goods commensurate with the increase in their production costs in the face of their reduced domestic market share. As a result, their sales became disadvantageous, while the production became negatively profitable," explained Andrey Slepnev, EEC Minister in charge of Trade. The Decision shall come into effect after 30 calendar days have elapsed from the date of its official publication.
14 Jan 2025 EEC Board expanded possibilities of applying to release goods prior to filing declaration The Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission updated the Procedure for filling in applications for goods release before submitting declarations and the structure of that document. It will now be possible to specify information about excise stamps. Previously, the Board of the Commission lifted a restriction on applying simplifications to excisable goods that had existed for many years. The decision adopted today ensures putting to practice the possibility to apply one of the most demanded AEO simplifications related to pre-submission release in respect of excisable goods. "The adopted amendments will expand the possibilities of using a simplified application and, accordingly, simplifications for authorized economic operators, which will contribute to further development of this institution in line with the key international trends," noted Ruslan Davydov, EEC Minister in charge of Customs Cooperation. An application for goods release before filing the declaration is a simplified Customs document where minimal information for customs control is indicated and the goods are actually released prior to the submission of the commonly used goods declaration form. This document is actively used by authorized economic operators (AEOs), for whom the release of goods prior to submitting a declaration is one of the provided simplifications. The Authorized Economic Operator concept is an internationally recognized standard of the partnership program. The AEOs are specially designated persons granted with simplifications during customs operations and customs control as persons meeting specified requirements. Similar information is indicated in declarations for goods, the procedure for completing which is approved by Decision No. 257 of the Customs Union Commission dated May 20, 2010 On the Form and Procedure for Filling In the Declaration for Goods.
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