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Agro-Industrial Policy

The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Commission dated November 18, 2011 (Article 3) stipulates that the Commission carries out its activity in various areas, such as macroeconomic, competitive, monetary policy etc. These also include areas related to the agricultural sector: agricultural subsidies, sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary measures, customs tariff and non-tariff regulation, government procurement, insurance, etc.

The Declaration on the Eurasian Economic Integration dated November 18, 2011 confirms creation of the common system of veterinary, sanitary and phytosanitary control. The document stipulates that the main objective of the further integration is fulfillment of the whole potential of the Customs Union and Single Economic Space, improvement and further development of the contractual legal framework, institutions and practical cooperation, including in areas such as ensuring the effective performance of the common commodity, service, capital and labor market; development of the agreed agricultural policy, enhancement of industrial cooperation and enhancement of cooperation in order to ensure the economic security in all respects.
The cooperation between the CU and the SES in the field of agribusiness is currently governed by the Agreement on the Unified Rules of State Support of Agriculture dated December 9, 2010. The purpose of this Agreement is to restrict the application of measures of state support of agriculture that distort the trade between the Parties, i.e. measures that effect the highly significant and, at the same time, narrow part of agricultural policy.

The field of agribusiness and agricultural market is governed by certain mechanisms of coordination and control that have been adopted under terms of other international agreements constituting the regulatory framework of the CU and SES, such as the Agreement on Coordinated Macroeconomic Policy, Agreement on the Unified Principles and Rules of Competition, Agreement on the Unified Principles and Rules of Technical Regulation, etc.

To solve the problems that exist in the agricultural sector it is necessary to draw up the system document defining the directions of the agreed agricultural policy of the Member States of the CU and SES, which will be based on national priorities of the agricultural policy and include mechanisms designed for promotion of the investment activity and management of the balance between supply of and demand for agricultural products, using market methods, in order to dynamically develop the agricultural sector in all respects, increase its performance and competitiveness and thereby achieve the food security of the Member States of the CU and SES. Thus, it will precede the international agreement on the agreed agricultural policy of the Member States of the CU and SES. The international document shall be developed stepwise based on the agreed priorities and directions defined in the Concept of the Agreed (Coordinated) Agricultural Policy of the Member States of the Customs Union and Single Economic Space.

The Concept of the Agreed (Coordinated) Agricultural Policy of the Member States of the Customs Union and Single Economic Space is approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council at the highest level (Decision No. 35 dated May 29, 2013).


The Concept of the Agreed (Coordinated) Agricultural Policy of the Member States of the Customs Union and Single Economic Space​