For mass media

Dear Colleagues!

The Information Support Section of the EEC Organizational Support and Protocol Department starts accrediting mass media representatives for 2025. Applications will be accepted until December 21, 2024.

The permanent accreditation is valid throughout one calendar year, allowing journalists to attend all public events available for mass media inside the Commission's buildings and, in particular cases, some restricted events. If the number of places at the official event is limited, mass media representatives having the permanent accreditation at the Commission shall be prioritized.

According to the Procedure for Mass Media Accreditation at the EEC, an application for permanent accreditation of mass media representatives should be sent to the Director of the EEC Organizational Support and Protocol Department on the official letterhead of the media outlet signed by the editor-in-chief and stamped in hard copy and (or) electronically to the e-mail address The application should be accompanied by a copy of the certificate of the media outlet state registration and (or) a copy of the broadcasting license (for electronic media), as well as two 3x4 photos in original or electronic form.

The application should contain the following data:

1) full name of the media outlet, location of the editorial office, contact details, official website of the media outlet;

2) full name, position and contact information of the mass media representative;

The decision on granting the permanent accreditation shall be adopted within 30 calendar days since the application is received.

Read the full text of the Procedure for Mass Media Accreditation at the EEC.

Contacts of the Information Support Section of the EEC Organizational Support and Protocol Department for 2025 mass media accreditation: tel: +7 (495) 669-24-00, ext. 41-86,


Only for media representatives based in Moscow or sent by their editorial offices from their home countries to attend the Commission's events.

The Information Support Section of the EEC Organizational Support and Protocol Department is responsible for interaction with journalists.

We are always ready to assist in obtaining comments and preparing responses to information inquiries.

Inquiries are accepted via email at

Contacts of the EEC Information Support Section:

Alena Igorevna Zhiteneva

+7 (495) 669-24-00, ext. 41-69,

+7 (925) 052-92-62.

Phone: +7 (495) 669-24-00, ext. 41-69, 41-94, 41-49, 41-74, 41-45, 41-55