the Provision on the IT Department is approved by Order No. 386 of the Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated November 21, 2012.
The following are the main objectives of the IT Department:
• participation in drawing up of draft international agreements and in development of other regulations to the extent falling within the competence of the Department;
• coordination of creation of the common information space of the Member States of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space (hereinafter referred to as the CU and the CES);
• arrangement of creation and development of the integration (supranational) segment of the Commission – the Integrated Information System of Foreign and Mutual Trade (hereinafter referred to as the IISFMT) of the CU and CES (according to Article 5 of the Agreement on Creation, Operation and Development of the Integrated Information System of Foreign and Mutual Trade dated September 21, 2010);
• creation and development of the IT and telecommunications infrastructure of the Commission, arrangement of fitting the Commission departments with computer equipment, telecommunications equipment, means of communication, software and hardware systems, information systems and software;
• arrangement of adoption of, as part of the Commission's activity, the electronic data interchange and electronic document management, unification and harmonization of electronic documents;
• arrangement of development, installation and operation of information systems and information resources of the Commission;
• arrangement of development, installation and maintenance of electronic databases containing general reference data of the CU and CES;
• engineering support of operation of computer equipment, telecommunications equipment, telephone and videoconferencing systems;
• participation in arrangement of activities and coordination of comprehensive data protection during creation and operation of the cross-border electronic document management system of the CU and CES (according to the Agreement on Application of Information Technology for the Purpose of Exchange of E-documents during External and Mutual Trade Within the Common Customs Territory of the Customs Union dated September 21, 2010);
• arrangement of provision of information security and technical protection of information within the information systems and data networks of the Commission.
According to its objectives, the IT Department shall, in the prescribed manner, perform the following duties:
1. prepare records, draft resolutions and recommendations on establishment and operation of the CU and CES, including submission of proposals for execution of and amendment to international agreements for consideration of the Board of the Commission;
2. prepare draft international agreements and other documents required for establishment and operation of the CU and CES;
3. ensure development of draft resolutions and recommendations of the Council and the Board as to creation, installation and development of the IISFMT;
4. prepare the draft annual work plan for creation, operation and development of the IISFMT;
5. arrange performance and supervise performance of creation, operation and development of the IISFMT;
6. prepare, together with other structural units of the Commission, the draft annual plan of informatization of the Commission and draft amendments to the plan of informatization of the Commission;
7. develop proposals and justifications of the proposed budget of the Commission with a view of maintenance and development of the IT and telecommunications infrastructure of the Commission and the information security facilities;
8. analyze the perspective trends in information technology, IT facilities, networks and telecommunication facilities and communication means and develop proposals for their implementation with a view of operation of the Commission;
9. arrange R&D works with a view of informatization of the Commission;
10. develop technical specifications and define the required purchase amount of IT and telecommunication facilities, communication means (including mobile communication), virus protection facilities, information security facilities, software, services and works for the Commission to the extent falling within the competence of the Department;
11. arrange purchase, fitting and control over the use of computer equipment, software and communication means (including mobile communication) by the Commission's units;
12. prepare, execute and monitor compliance with the agreements executed on behalf of the Commission by the Director of the Department and having one of the following subject matters:
• performance of R&D works for creation and improvement of information technology, IT systems and facilities, information security facilities used for operation of the Commission;
• performance of works and provision of services for onsite installation and adjustment of information systems, networks, audio- and videoconferencing systems, technical equipment required for operation of the IT and telecommunications infrastructure of the Commission;
• maintenance and engineering support of facilities of the IT and telecommunications infrastructure of the Commission;
• supply of computer equipment, telecommunications equipment, communication means, audio- and videoconferencing systems, information security systems;
• upgrade (modification) of facilities of the IT and telecommunications infrastructure of the Commission;
• centralized post-warranty service and repair of facilities of the IT and telecommunications infrastructure of the Commission;
• production and procurement of spare parts, consumables and supplies for in-service facilities of the IT and telecommunications infrastructure of the Commission;
• performance of R&D works for development of the telecommunications and communications system on the Commission;
• performance of construction, installation and commissioning works in order to fit telecommunication nodes and install communication means, audio- and videoconferencing systems, information security systems;
• lease of telecommunication services and communication channels;
• purchases of software for the Commission.
24. keep record of users of the communication system of the Commission and ensure the provision of communication services (including mobile communication) for different officials and units;
25. arrange standardization, unification and certification of developed and ordered facilities of the IT and telecommunications infrastructure of the Commission;
26. ensure the receipt accounting, planning and distribution (movement) accounting of facilities of the IT and telecommunications infrastructure of the Commission during its operation, as well as warranty and post-warranty support;
27. inform the Chairman of the Board of the Commission of the facts of violations of operation and information security requirements;
28. ensure creation and maintenance of the Collection of algorithms and software of the Commission (according to Resolution No. 65 of the Board of the Commission dated June 7, 2012);
29. develop executive documents that define the requirements for documentation of information in soft form, procedure for creation and use of information resources of the Commission, procedure for creation and operation of the Collection of algorithms and software, information security;
30. ensure, in collaboration with other structural units of the Commission, creation and maintenance of information resources of the Commission, as well as their placement on the Internet;
31. prepare, to the extent falling within the competence of the Department, analytical and reference records for the members of the Council of the Commission and members of the Board of the Commission;
32. arrange and support the activity of the IT Advisory Committee of the Commission;
33. cooperate with competent government authorities of the Parties to the extent falling within the competence of the Department;
34. cooperate with international organizations for the purpose of standardization and unification of e-documents, information technology and technical solutions designed to create the common information space of the CU и CES and perform the international information exchange;
35. examine, together with other structural units of the Commission, draft international agreements and other regulations to the extent falling within the competence of the Department, including creation and use of integrated information resources, development and installation of the cross-border electronic document management system of the Member States of the CU and CES ;
36. arrange activities to train the personnel of the Commission on how to operate the information systems and information resources and activities to provide the required information security during operation of IT facilities in the local area network of the Commission;
37. coordinate international information exchange using the electronic digital signature for the purpose of creation of the IISFMT information security subsystem;
38. participate in design, testing, acceptance and commissioning of the IISFMT information security system;
39. ensure cooperation with the competent authorities in terms of information security of the Member States of the CU and CES in order to develop and improve the unified requirements for protection and exchange of information, including information that cannot be freely disclosed according to the legislation of each Member State of the CU and CES;
40. participate in development and harmonization of regulations of the CU и CES in terms of information security and monitor compliance therewith;
41. ensure development and performance of regulations and guidelines for structural departments and employees of the Commission in terms of information security;
42. develop the procedure for granting and record-keeping of user access to information resources of the Commission and monitor compliance therewith;
43. keep record of all information resources of the Commission and IISFMT integration segment to be protected;
44. perform other duties within its competence.
The Department consists of the following four Divisions:
• Division of Coordination of Creation of the Integrated Information System of the CU and CES;
• Department of Operation and Development of Computer Equipment and Telecommunication Facilities;
• Division of Information Support and Unification of E-Documents; Operation and Development of Information Systems and Databases of the Commission;
• Division of Information Security.