

EEC zeroed import customs duties on parts of 5,000–50,000 kWh gas turbines for a year

The Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission took a decision to zero the import customs duty rate with regard to parts of 5,000–50,000 kWh gas turbines on a temporary basis (until March 31, 2024 inclusive). At the moment the relevant rate of the Common Customs Tariff of the EAEU is 5% of the customs value. The parts in question include case, compressor and exhaust diffuser wheels for low-pressure turbines, forward stub shafts, compressor discs, frames, cooling heat exchangers for purge air, auxiliary system gearboxes and other parts imported from Italy, various valves imported from the USA and the Netherlands, as well as some other parts imported from Germany and the UK. 

"This measure will facilitate manufacturing of end products in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and will affect, among other things, manufacturing of gas turbines mounted on gas pumping units that are used at compressor stations to transport natural gas through main gas pipelines," stressed Andrey Slepnev, EEC Minister in charge of Trade.

According to him, the decision will allow to provide the EAEU oil and gas enterprises with new-generation energy equipment and to modernize gas transportation systems of the Eurasian countries. 

The Minister also noted that at the moment the Union was actively implementing programs for localizing gas turbine parts production. It is planned to channel the released funds towards further expansion of corresponding measures in order to complete them by 2025.

For reference

In accordance with the EEC Board's Decisions No. 110 dated July 15, 2014 and No. 21 dated March 1, 2016, from September 2, 2014 to December 31, 2021 inclusive the duty rate of 0% of the customs value was already applied to gas turbine parts.