

Session of EEC Advisory Committee for Intellectual Property

Page ContentOn November 13, Astana will host the session of the EEC Advisory Committee for Intellectual Property chaired by the Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Economy and Financial Policy of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Timur Suleimenov. During the session with participation of employees of the Eurasian Economic Commission, members of the Advisory Committee from public authorities and business communities of the EAEU Member States, it is expected to discuss wide range of issues. Thus, it is expected to discuss the EEC activities to develop proposals for the further implementation of the principle of exhaustion of the exclusive trademark right. Currently, on the instruction of the Commission Council, the work is carried out towards the preparation of proposals agreed with the EAEU Member States related to the procedure and criteria for the selection of certain types of goods in respect of which it is supposed to establish exceptions to the application of the regional principle of exhaustion of the exclusive trademark right. It is envisaged to develop a mechanism to establish exceptions to the application of the regional principle of exhaustion of exclusive trademark rights for certain types of goods within the EAEU territory. The EEC is also working on the Draft Protocol on Amendments to the Treaty on the EAEU, providing for the vesting the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council with the authority to establish such exceptions, as well as on the Draft Procedure governing the regulations for making exceptions and defining criteria for selection of certain kinds of goods. In addition, the agenda of the session of the EEC Advisory Committee will address the following issues: - on the implementation of the intrastate procedures on the Draft Agreement on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of the EAEU Goods; - on the implementation of intrastate coordination on the Draft Agreement on Management of Copyright and Related Rights on a Collective Basis; - on the implementation of the intrastate procedures on the Draft Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement on Common Customs Registry of Objects of Intellectual Property of the Member States of the Customs Union, dated May 21, 2010; - on the performance of obligations assumed by the Republic of Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic in the sphere of intellectual property in connection with the accession to the Treaty on the EAEU, dated May 29, 2014; - on proposals of the Russian Federation on coordination of activity of executive authorities on countering illegal turnover of industrial products in the EAEU Member States; - on the implementation of the International Forum "Anti-counterfeit" on an annual basis in the EAEU Member States. For reference: The Advisory Committee for Intellectual Propertywas established by Decision No. 172 of the Board of the Commission, dated September 25, 2012 . The main objectives of the Committee are to develop proposals for the Commission Board in the sphere of intellectual property, as well as holding consultations with representatives of the EAEU Member States. The Committee is chaired by the Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Economy and Financial Policy of the EEC, Timur Suleimenov. The Committee consists of heads and deputy heads of ministries and departments, as well as representatives of business community of the EAEU Member States. Since the establishment of the Committee, the members of the Committee have developed proposals for the work of the Board of the Commission in the sphere of intellectual property, and on the development of international treaties, in particular.