

Roundtable on identifying and eliminating obstacles in the EAEU’s internal markets will take place at the international forum "The Orenburg Area - the Heart of Eurasia"

Page ContentOn November 25, a roundtable on “Identifying and eliminating barriers, exemptions and restrictions as a way of ensuring the effective functioning of the internal markets and the development of transboundary and interregional cooperation in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union" will be held at the international forum "The Orenburg Area- the Heart of Eurasia". The Eurasian Economic Commission is the co-organiser of the roundtable. The Director of the Internal Markets Department of the EEC, Ilya Cherny will attend the roundtable. He will deliver a report on the identification and elimination of obstacles in the internal markets. He will talk about methodological approaches, which the Eurasian Economic Commission is applying to identify and eliminate barriers, exemptions and restrictions in the internal markets of the countries of the Union, as well as the possibilities the business community has to address the EEC with problematic situations it faces in mutual trade.​