

EEC Council extended application of an additional basis for granting deferred payments of import customs duties

The Eurasian Economic Commission's Council decided to extend until December 31, 2023 the application of an additional basis for granting interest-free deferred payments or payment in instalments of import customs duties when importing goods (with the exception of excisable goods not used in production) by backbone and city-forming enterprises, which are supported for the purpose of implementation of measures to improve the sustainability of economies.

Previously, such an additional basis for granting deferred payments as part of the implementation of measures to improve the sustainability of the economies of the EAEU countries was established until September 30, 2022.

In order to obtain deferred payments or payment in instalments of import customs duties, a confirmation by the authorized state authority issued in accordance with national legislation should be submitted to the customs authority.

For reference

An additional basis for granting deferred payments or payment in instalments of import customs duties was established by Decision No. 75 of the EEC Council dated April 15, 2022.