On September 14, the EEC Council approved the Eurasian technological platform in the field of production, processing and use of essential oil and medicinal plants.
The platform’s founders included the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center" (the Russian Federation), the Non-governmental Organization "Armenian Society of Food Sciences and Technologies" (the Republic of Armenia) and the I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (the Kyrgyz Republic).
"Starting this technological platform will enable to significantly increase the manufacture of essential oil products and medicinal raw materials and in some cases to find a substitute for expensive imported products," reported Artak Kamalyan, EEC Minister in charge of Industry and Agriculture. "This will enable forming its own market for processing essential oil raw materials and medicines, thereby reducing the dependence of consumers on imports as well as creating new production and cooperation chains in the EAEU space".
The technological platform in the field of production, processing and use of essential oil and medicinal plants has become the 17th in the Union and is designed to complete a wide range of tasks. These include studying the genetic and biochemical bases of essential oil and medicinal plants; selecting, introducing new essential oil and medicinal plants, organizing their mass production and primary processing; agrotechnological, research and development, experimental and development and design work; arranging production of elite seed material and seedlings using modern biotechnologies; creating a seed and planting material bank; manufacture of specialized machines for growing essential oil and medicinal plants and equipment for their processing; introducing technologies for industrial use of essential oil and medicinal plants in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, liquor, paint and varnish industries and etc.