

EAEU to create personnel training consortium for Eurasian integration

The Eurasian Economic Union will create a consortium of the Member States’ universities aimed at training sector-specific personnel for the Eurasian integration. This was reported by Vladimir Kovalev, Advisor to the Chairman of the EEC Board, during his speech to students and faculty members of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (MGIMO) on October 27.
In March 2022, a cooperation program was signed between the Commission and MGIMO

"Major efforts are taken within our cooperation program to prepare a specialized postgraduate program on the Eurasian economic integration. In order to implement the program on a network modular principle, a consortium will be created under the aegis of MGIMO involving the Union countries’ interested partner universities on a parity basis. Nowadays, an arrangement has already been reached to involve leading universities of Armenia and Belarus (Belarusian State University) and Kyrgyzstan (K. Dikambayev Diplomatic Academy) in the project. Personnel training should begin in 2023", Vladimir Kovalev noted during his speech.

It is planned that in the future the consortium’s activities will become the blueprint for the professional training of specialists already involved in the Eurasian issues in the Union countries’ state administration bodies, as well as those who would like to commit their career to working in the Commission and other specialized organizations. The training will be based on a project approach involving the EEC practical lecturers, students will be given an opportunity to complete an internship at the Commission, and graduation papers are planned to be devoted to challenging agenda issues of the Eurasian Economic Union. As Vladimir Kovalev stressed, "this will enable to provide a brand new approach to training specialists for the EAEU. A full-fledged HR platform can be launched on the basis of this approach in the future".

During his speech, the Adviser to the Chairman of the EEC Board made the audience aware of the institutional and legal system of the Eurasian Economic Union, and highlighted problematic and promising issues of the EAEU development with due regard to the current international atmosphere. The Greater Eurasian Partnership and new areas of economic cooperation in the EAEU – education, healthcare, tourism and others, envisaged by the Strategy-2025, were in the spotlight as well.

During the visit to the university, some aspects of implementing the cooperation program between the EEC and MGIMO, as well as proposals submitted by the university community on enhancing the Eurasian integration, which could be developed in the year of Russia's chairmanship in the Union’s governing bodies, were discussed.

"We deem it reasonable that new directions of integration should be generated not in the offices of public authorities, but in professional associations, academic classrooms and student coworking spaces. We would like to take the youth to the Eurasian theme, thereby to make our Union a natural and comfortable environment for living and personal enhancement", the Adviser to the Chairman of the EEC Board said.

Particular attention was paid to the results of the 14th Russian International Studies Association Convention held on October 13-14 at MGIMO during which a sector-specific session "EAEU Modern Education in the EAEU: an International Dimension" was held.