

EAEU strives to ensure food safety

Tatiana Nikolaeva, Deputy Director of the Technical Regulation and Accreditation Department of the Eurasian Economic Commission, informed on establishing new mandatory requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union’s technical regulations for food safety as well as on improving the EAEU regulatory framework in the field of technical regulation at the 17th All-Russian Scientific and Practical conference "Prospects of the Russian dairy industry in the new economic reality" held in Sochi.

She made an emphasis on the most important and sensitive areas of development. For instance, referring to the procedures for product access to the Union's market, Tatiana Nikolaeva took heed that today the market had a problem of unreasonably issued conformity assessment documents. "In some cases, this owes to the lack of a proper mechanism for monitoring actions of conformity assessment bodies, in others, it indicates the need to improve efficiency of the accreditation system itself, and finally, it concerns activities of mala fide manufacturers," she noted.

During the panel sessions, the attendees discussed current problems of the dairy industry, including those arising from dairy products’ manufacturers in implementing the EAEU food technical regulations. They also discussed the specifics of assessing the conformity of food products and organizing state control over compliance with the EAEU technical regulations requirements. The conference was attended by representatives of the EEC, interested public authorities of the Russian Federation, leading scientists of sectoral dairy research institutes, analysts of the Russian and foreign dairy market.