The industrial unit of the Eurasian Economic Commission started implementing the industrial cooperation pilot project called Eurasian Electric Bus.
In the course of consultations held on September 2, representatives of the Commission and relevant agencies of the Union States decided to update the composition of the EEC expert group on cooperation in the automotive industry to involve representatives of the EAEU state authorities, producers of electric motor vehicles and automotive parts, as well as academia of Member States.
"Today, industrial cooperation within the EAEU is the most efficient way to bring the Union's producers together in a collaborative effort allowing to make Eurasian branded products with the highest degree of localization, to create new import substitution projects and to increase the output competitiveness," emphasized Nikolay Rogozhnik, Deputy Director of the EEC Industrial Policy Department.
The parties approved the action plan proposed by the Commission to structure the work on implementing the instruction of the EEC Council.
The first stage will provide lists of critical parts, units and materials for producing electric buses, as well as EAEU companies that have required in-house production and technological capabilities.
Having prepared the materials, the parties agreed to hold a retreat for representatives of the Union States' business community on one of the industrial sites in the Republic of Belarus.
According to Nikolay Rogozhnik, that will not only allow to lay the ground for a full-scale launch of the project but also to assess the possibility of reorienting and adapting production of units and parts designed for other types of passenger vehicles (conventional buses and trolleybuses) for their subsequent use in electric buses.
It is planned that interim results of the work done will be reported at a meeting of the Board of the Commission before year-end 2022.