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13 Mar 2025
Implementing advanced digital solutions in customs authority activities discussed in Kazakhstan
Ruslan Davydov, EEC Minister in charge of Customs Cooperation, paid a working visit to Astana, where he held meetings with the leadership of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan — Vice-Minister Erzhan Birzhanov and Chairman of the State Income Committee Zhandos Duisembiev. The negotiations covered a wide range of relevant matters in the field of customs regulation, including the implementation of the Agreement on Using Navigation Seals, approaches to modernizing customs checkpoints on the EAEU border, implementation of common processes, as well as prospects for developing customs regulation within the Union until 2045. The EEC Minister looked into the current status and prospects for the introduction of the new Keden information system in the activities of the Kazakhstan customs authorities, as well as the possibilities of its integration with the EAEU unified information system. The Keden information system will contribute not only to the introduction of electronic customs declaration, but also to preliminary information sharing, the creation of an integrated supervision system at checkpoints, as well as the automation of customs operations with documenting violations, which in turn will ensure transparency of customs administration. During the visit, Ruslan Davydov also visited the Situation Center at the Main Dispatch Department of the State Income Committee of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan. This is where the images from the inspection and screening complexes are analyzed and the process of customs inspections performed by customs officers is coordinated. The Center plays an important role in the efficient management and control of customs operations, ensuring a high degree of transparency and timeliness in the inspection and cargo handling processes.
13 Mar 2025
Eldar Alisherov: "Eurasian economic integration ensures a noticeable growth of key development indicators of the EAEU countries
Eldar Alisherov, EEC Minister in charge of Integration and Macroeconomics, spoke about the achievements of Eurasian economic integration over the decade of the Eurasian Economic Union's operations at the online conference EAEU: 10 Years of Functioning of the Largest Integration Association in Eurasia. The EEC Minister emphasized the measures to be taken to implement the Declaration on Further Development of Economic Processes in the EAEU until 2030 and 2045 and drew attention to building and developing optimal formats of interaction with external partners. Eldar Alisherov noted that Eurasian economic integration has a strong stabilizing and stimulating effect on the economy, ensuring a noticeable growth of key development indicators of the Eurasian Five countries. "The new configuration of trade, transport and logistics routes, labor migration and financial flows in the region, along with active economic policies have served as a stimulus for strong economic growth in the EAEU," said Eldar Alisherov. "According to EEC estimates, the index of GDP physical volume in the EAEU in 2024 amounted to 117.6% compared to 2014. For some Member States GDP growth was more significant, for example, in Armenia it was 1.6 times, in Kyrgyzstan 1.6 times, in Kazakhstan 1.3 times." The EEC Minister also paid attention to the statistical indicators of mutual and foreign trade in the EAEU. Objective data show a significant increase in trade between the Member States, as well as growing foreign economic activity. "The share of mutual trade turnover in the EAEU foreign trade turnover increased to 19.8% in 2024 against 13.5% in 2015," the EEC Minister reported. "The volume of mutual trade in goods in the Union doubled since 2015 and reached almost USD $100 billion in 2024. The head of the EEC integration and macroeconomics unit is confident that by today the EAEU has been established as an important element of the global economic architecture. "A flexible infrastructure has been created to cover the key partners and allow for a comprehensive dialogue for improving the sustainability of the Member States’ economies, solve the issues of integrating the EAEU into the global architecture of economic relations, expanding geography and export volumes, attracting foreign investment and technology," he noted. The Commission has concluded 46 memoranda of understanding with universal and specialized international organizations, 14 with regional integration and interstate associations, as well as 30 memoranda of cooperation with the governments, ministries and agencies of third countries. In addition, there are four trade agreements between the EAEU and third countries (Vietnam, Iran, China and Serbia). Currently, active work is underway to reach agreements on liberalization of trade regimes with the UAE, Indonesia and Mongolia. The countries of South-East Asia are highly interested in dialogue with the Union. Relations with ASEAN, as well as bilaterally with the countries of this region, are actively developing. "Certainly, the priority is still relations with the closest partners — the CIS, SCO, BRICS, ASEAN countries. Despite the geo-economic difficulties, the number of new partners of the Union continues to increase," Eldar Alisherov emphasized. The GDP of third countries and regional associations with which the Union signed trade agreements and memoranda on cooperation, and which were granted observer status by the Commission amounts to USD $71.9 trn (according to the World Bank, at purchasing power parity), or 49.9% of global GDP. The population of these countries reaches 4.3 bln people, or 53.5% of the world's population.
13 Mar 2025
EEC and Republic of Uzbekistan discussed priority issues of trade and economic cooperation
The issues of intensifying trade and economic cooperation for mutual benefit were discussed during the fourth meeting of the joint working group on interaction between the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The March 13 meeting was held at the EEC headquarters and co-chaired by Eldar Alisherov, EEC Minister in charge of Integration and Macroeconomics, and Khurram Teshabaev, Deputy Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan. "Trade and economic cooperation between the EAEU Member States and the Republic of Uzbekistan is of strategic nature both in terms of its scale and the range of goods and has a stable positive dynamics. The Republic of Uzbekistan ranks first among the Union's trade partners from the CIS countries. Uzbekistan accounts for almost half of the value of EAEU trade with CIS countries. Our trade reflects the mutually complementary nature of the economies of the EAEU Member States and the Republic of Uzbekistan," mentioned Eldar Alisherov, EEC Minister in charge of Integration and Macroeconomics. In turn, Khurram Teshabaev stated that effective platforms have been created together with the EAEU for the promotion of business dialogue and hundreds of major projects in the field of industrial cooperation and infrastructure are being implemented. Uzbekistan systematically participates in intergovernmental and interdepartmental meetings, economic forums and exhibitions, consultations and high-level meetings held under the auspices of the EAEU. According to Eldar Alisherov, topical areas of cooperation between the EAEU and Uzbekistan have been developed in the Joint Action Plan of the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2024–2026 signed in October 2024. During the meeting, the parties discussed digitalizing the transport sector, increasing the efficiency of logistics routes in mutual trade, elaborating possible approaches to arranging information exchange on goods and transport organizations of international transportation vehicles crossing the customs borders of the EAEU and Uzbekistan, as well as cooperation in the spheres of competition and consumer protection. In the end, the meeting noted the importance of implementing the Eurasian Agroexpress joint project of the EAEU Member States in the direction of Uzbekistan for developing transport and logistics chains for agricultural products and food supplies, including the development of new logistics routes for mutual supplies of products. The EEC representatives expressed readiness to address the possibilities of ensuring mutual recognition of means of identification for pharmaceuticals between the EAEU and Uzbekistan and participation of Uzbek companies in joint cooperation projects in industry and agricultural sector. Uzbekistan's proposal to hold in March 2025 next consultations on establishing a unified system of customs transit between EAEU and Uzbekistan was also supported. The parties agreed with the initiative of the EAEU Business Council and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan to hold a joint business dialogue in April 2025. As a result of discussions, it was agreed to hold the fifth meeting of the joint working group in 2026 in Uzbekistan.
12 Mar 2025
EEC discussed prospects for sustainable agricultural development
On March 12, the round table "Green Horizons: Sustainable Development of Agriculture in the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union" was held at the Eurasian Economic Commission under the chairmanship of Naira Karapetyan, Director of the EEC Agricultural Policy Department. The participants discussed approaches to analyzing and modeling the consequences of introducing carbon tax in agriculture of the EAEU countries, the role of green agriculture in reducing the carbon footprint, prospects for inter-country cooperation of organic producers, regulation of greenhouse gas emissions in using fertilizers and a number of other issues. As Naira Karapetyan noted in her speech, sustainable development of the agricultural sector is becoming more and more important in the world of today, since agriculture is directly related to the use of natural resources and has a significant impact on the environment. "Mitigation in the EAEU requires transformation of the agricultural and food systems through concerted action and adapting the industry to current realities," emphasized the Director of the EEC Agricultural Policy Department. The round table was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Russian Quality System, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Institute of Applied Economic Research of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration and relevant businesses.
11 Mar 2025
EAEU established working group to implement “pilot” on applying e-CMR electronic international consignment notes
On March 11, the Eurasian Economic Commission's Board decided to establish a Working Group for implementing a pilot project on the use of electronic international consignment notes e-CMR in international road freight transport in the Eurasian Economic Union countries. The Working Group will include representatives of the EAEU countries' authorized bodies in the field of transport, digitalization, tax and customs regulation, as well as the business community, scientific organizations and industry associations. Arzybek Kozhoshev, EEC Minister in charge of Energy and Infrastructure, was appointed as head of the expert platform. “Today we have made another step towards transiting to legally binding electronic document flow in the field of road transport. The Working Group will determine the terms and procedure for the pilot project on applying electronic international consignment notes in the EAEU, as well as explore practical issues of its implementation,” the EEC Minister noted. The main purpose of the project is to ensure practical testing of the technology for cross-border exchange of electronic documents between entities from different States using the digital signature and “trusted third party” mechanisms. The pilot project will help accelerate the process of obtaining and checking transport documents, as well as achieve cost savings in implementing transport, logistics, control and supervision procedures. The Working Group is scheduled to meet in Q2 2025.
11 Mar 2025
Arzybek Kozhoshev informed about 10-year functioning of EAEU
Arzybek Kozhoshev, EEC Minister in charge of Energy and Infrastructure, delivered a video address to the participants of the International Discussion dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Eurasian Economic Union. The main subjects of the participants' discussion included the successes achieved and the challenges faced by the Union. “A number of factors and their negative consequences became external challenges for the Union, which the association successfully coped with. This is evidenced by the GDP growth for the above period by about 50% — from 1.6 tln US dollars to 2.4 tln US dollars. Along with that, mutual trade doubled and amounted to about 90 bln US dollars, and its share in the total volume of the EAEU foreign trade grew to 18.2%,” Arzybek Kozhoshev noted. The Minister reported on more comfortable conditions for the EAEU citizens in the field of education, medical care, granting and payment of pensions. The Minister outlined some benefits for the business community, for which the Union's law envisages free movement of goods and equal access to public procurement. The EEC Minister also emphasized that today the issues of a common market for oil, gas and electric power are being moved on, which will ensure the availability of energy resources and the development of the EAEU countries. The tasks on diversifying supplies and building up the potential of new transport corridors, such as the North-South transport corridor and cooperation with China under the Belt and Road project are being solved.
10 Mar 2025
Bakytzhan Sagintaev congratulated Alexander Turchin on his appointment as Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
Bakytzhan Sagintaev, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, congratulated Alexander Turchin on his appointment as Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus. "I am confident that your activities as Head of the Government will contribute to further development of Belarus and the Eurasian economic integration," the congratulatory letter reads. On behalf of the EEC and in his own capacity, Bakytzhan Sagintaev wished Alexander Turchin good health and fulfilment of all plans for the benefit of the Republic of Belarus and its citizens.
10 Mar 2025
In response to EEC appeal, Serbia lifted restrictions on imports of sunflower oil and fat-containing products from Union countries
Serbia has notified the Eurasian Economic Commission about lifting quantitative restrictions on imports of sunflower oil and fat-containing products from the Eurasian Economic Union countries. The lifting of restrictions was initiated by Nenad Popovic, Minister of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, responsible for the development of relations with the EAEU, in reaction to an appeal from the EEC. "The issue had been addressed by the Commission since April last year as part of the work on implementing the Free Trade Agreement between the Union and Serbia. In particular, the topic was touched upon during my September meeting with Nenad Popovic," noted Andrey Slepnev, EEC Minister in charge of Trade. He added that the lifting of restrictions reflects constructive interaction and emphasizes the positive development of trade and economic cooperation between the two parties. After the introduction of restrictive measures in March 2024, exports of sunflower oil and margarine (CN FEA 1512 19 900 2, 1512 19 900 9, 1517 10 100 0, 1517 10 900 0) from the EAEU to Serbia in the first 10 months of 2024 decreased by 40% compared to the same period in 2023. That said, the 2023 figure showed about a fivefold increase from 2022.
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Website of the Eurasian Economic Union
Legal portal of the Eurasian Economic Union
The portal functioning of the internal markets of the EAEU
The portal on the digital agenda of the EAEU