​Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia

Address: 5, Mgera Mkrtchyana str., 0010, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia

Telephones:(37411)59-71-65. (37411) 59-71-66. (37411)59-71-97

E-mail: secretariat@mineconomy.am

Official web-site:




State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus

Address: 93, Starovilensky Trakt, 220053, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Reception tel.:+7 (017) 233-52-13

Hot line: +7 (017) 233-37-69

Fax: +7 (017) 233-25-88

Official web-site:http://www.gosstandart.gov.by​

E-mail: belst@gosstandart.gov.by


​Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrologyof the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Address: 11, Orynbor str.,("Etalonny centre" building), 010000, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

Telephone:(7172) 270-701; (7172) 270-702

Administrative office telephone:(7172) 270-738;
(7172) 270-751

Official web-site:http://www.memst.kz

E-mail:memst@inbox.ru; 793301@bk.ru


Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic

Address: 106, Chuy Avenue, 720002. Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Telephone:+7 (312) 62-05-90

Fax:+7 (312) 66-18-37

Official web-site:http://www.mineconom.gov.kg​

E-mail: mail@mineconom.kg


Department of State Policy in Technical Regulation and Ensuring Unity of Measurements of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Address: 7, Kitaigorodskiy proezd, 109074, Moscow, Russian Federation

Telephone:+7 (495) 647-74-51

Fax:+7 (495) 647-73-90

Official web-site:http://minpromtorg.gov.ru​


National Institute of Standards of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Armenia

Address: 49/4, Komitasa pr., 0001, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia

Telephone:(7410) 23-70-20; (7410) 28-10-33

Fax:+374 10 285-6-20

Official web-site:http://www.sarm.am


State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus

Address: 93, Starovilensky Trakt, 220053 Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Reception tel.:+7 (017) 233-52-13

Hot line:+7 (017) 233-37-69

Fax:+7 (017) 233-25-88

Official web-site:http://www.gosstandart.gov.by​


Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Address: 11, Orynbor street, ("Etalonny centre" building), 010000, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

Telephone:(7172) 270-701; (7172) 270-702

Office telephone:(7172) 270-738:(7172) 270-751

Official web-site: http://www.memst.kz


Centre for Standardization and Metrology under the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic

Address: 197, Panfilova street, 720040, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Telephone:(312)62-68-70:+7 (312) 32-57-34

Fax: (312) 66-13-67

Official web-site: http://www.nism.gov.kg

E-mail: nism@nism.gov.kg

Federal Agency for Technical Regulations and Metrology

Address: 9, Leninsky Prospect, V-49, GSP-1, 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation

Telephone:(499) 236-03-00. ext.300

Fax:(499) 236-62-31; (499) 237-60-32

Official web-site: http://www.gost.ru​



State Non-Profit Organization "National Accreditation Body"

Address: 49/4, Komitasa pr.,0051, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia

Telephone:+7 (7410) 20 33 81

Official web-site:http://www.armnab.am​

E-mail: armnab@armnab.am



Republican Unitary Enterprise "Belarusian State Centre for Accreditation" (State Enterprise BSCA)

Address: 6, Velozavodskaya str, 220033, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Telephone:+7 (37517) 230-20-36

Official web-site: http://www.bsca.by​

E-mail: bsca@bsca.by, accreditationinbelarus@gmail.com


National Centre for Accreditation, LLP

Address: 11, Orynbor street ("Etalonny centre" building), 010000, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

Telephone:(7172) 79-33-97, (7171) 24-08-29

E-mail: info@nca.kz

Official web-site: http://www.nca.kz

Branch of the National Centre for Accreditation, LLP

Address: 83, Altynsarina avenue, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Telephone: (7273) 03-90-99,

Fax (7273) 03-91-59​



"Kyrgyz Centre for Accreditation"

Address: (request for public services):421, Frunze street, 720011, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Reception tel.:+7 (312) 43-48-72

Deputy Director telephone:+7 (312) 90-10-36

Official web-site: http://www.kca.gov.kg​

E-mail: аkkr@kca.gov.kg

Federal Service for Accreditation ROSACCREDITATION

Address:7, Vavilova street, 117997,

Moscow, Russian Federation, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Telephone:+7 (925) 798-93-13

Official web-site: http://www.fsa.gov.ru​​

E-mail: info@fsa.gov.ru