

Expiry date of transitional provisions of EAEU technical regulation on alcohol postponed

The Eurasian Economic Commission’s Board postponed from January 9, 2024 to January 1, 2027 the expiry date of the transitional provisions of the Eurasian Economic Union’s Technical Regulation "On safety of alcoholic beverages".
The date transfer is related to postponing the enactment of this technical regulation by the EEC Council for January 1, 2024.

It bears reminding that the technical regulation on alcoholic beverages was adopted in 2018. It establishes mandatory requirements binding on the Union countries to the output alcohol and the processes of its manufacture, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, as well as requirements to marking, packaging and conformity assessment procedure.

In turn, the transitional provisions establish that the conformity assessment documents on alcoholic beverages adopted before enacting the technical regulation are valid until the end of their validity period, but no later than January 1, 2027. In the presence of such documents, the alcohol can be manufactured and released into circulation until the specified date.

Besides during this period, the Union States can manufacture and release products not subject to mandatory conformity assessment before enacting the technical regulation without documents on such assessment and without marking with a national conformity mark (marketing authorization mark).

It is allowed to circulate products manufactured with due regard to the transitional provisions during the shelf life of these products established by the manufacturer.

The three-year transition period enables manufacturers of such products to segue to complying with these technical regulations until January 1, 2027.