On August 10, by decision of the extraordinary general meeting of the Financial and Banking Association of Euro-Asian Cooperation (FBA EAC) Bakytzhan Sagintaev, Minister in charge of Economy and Financial Policy, was elected Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association.
During the general meeting, Li Shobin (China), Founder of SLC-Rus, was elected President of the FBA EAC.
The FBA EAC is a public non-governmental organization that unites financial, banking and business unions of entrepreneurs, commercial organizations and banks, public and scientific and industrial associations from 26 countries of Eurasia.
The Association's objectives are as follows:
- to represent and protect the rights and legitimate interests of its members and provide them with advisory, methodological and other assistance to improve the efficiency of their activities;
- to elaborate joint decisions on the issues of finance and banking, and business activities being of interest to the Association’s members;
- to form and present consolidated positions of the Eurasian countries’ business communities to public authorities and international organizations;
- to assist in creating conditions for efficient finance and banking, trade and economic, industrial, scientific and technical, and investment cooperation between entrepreneurs of the Eurasian countries.