The event was organized by the EEC Technical Regulation and Accreditation Department and enabled the EAEU States’ entrepreneurs to further discuss the most relevant matters with the Commission’s representatives.
The round table was attended by more than 90 people. They included more than 75 businessmen, including representatives of member organizations of the EAEU Business Council, as well as the Union countries’ authorized bodies in the field of technical regulation and the EEC structural subdivisions, whose jurisdiction includes issues of competition and antitrust regulation, industrial policy, customs cooperation and others.
"The role of our Union countries’ business community in forming and developing the EAEU technical regulation is very high", stressed Timur Nurashev, Director of the EEC Technical Regulation and Accreditation Department. "The more active position is taken by the business community in developing technical regulation tools in relation to economic sectors, the more successfully our common objectives will be achieved in the EAEU: ensuring the safety of goods, improving the quality and competitiveness of products manufactured in the Union and, in general, stable economic development of our States".A substantial part of the discussion was devoted to standardization and conformity assessment. The business community was interested in topics related to amendments to the Procedure for developing, adopting, amending and canceling the Union’s technical regulations and the Procedure for developing and adopting lists of standards ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Union’s technical regulations. For example, introducing the principle of possible application of interstate standards only after all countries of the EAEU accede to them was discussed. These issues were included in the agenda of the EEC Council’s meeting to be held on April 15 this year.