

The EEC expert group on preliminary information has commenced work

Page ContentOn November 1-2 in Moscow, the Customs Infrastructure Department of the Eurasian Economic Commission will hold the first session of the expert group for the development of the institution regarding preliminary information on goods and vehicles imported into the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The session will be attended by representatives of the Eurasian Economic Commission, experts of the customs administration and other interested agencies as well as the business associations of the Member States of the EAEU. "We decided that the discussion would be most effective if its divided into segments of the transportation market”, explained the head of the expert group, the Deputy Head of Customs Information Technology Commission, Alexey Gavrichev. “Experts will work on improving existing norms or look at the norms that are currently being proposed regarding for each mode of transport separately.” Therefore, in the morning of November 1, the EEC will host a meeting where experts will discuss improving current norms regarding the mandatory submission of preliminary information on goods imported into the EAEU by road. This regulation has been in force since 2012. The discussion in the afternoon of November 1 will be devoted to preliminary information in air transportation. According to the decision of the EEC Board, air carriers will be obliged to submit preliminary information from April 1, 2017. In the morning of November 2, there is a discussion scheduled concerning the regulation on the submission of preliminary information for goods imported into the territory of the EAEU by rail. Mandatory preliminary information in the rail transportation sector in the Union has been valid since 2014. In the afternoon of November 2 there will be a discussion about mandatory preliminary information in the maritime transportation sector. "The EAEU Customs Code, which is currently in preparation for signing, opens up new opportunities for business to use previously-submitted information on imported goods. Decisions, which will determine the scope of these norms, are currently in development. Therefore we invite interested businesses, working in the sphere of goods transportation services to get involved in this work”, Alexey Gavrichev said.​