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Disposition No. 18 of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated September 11, 2020 "On the Formation of a Joint Feasibility Study Group on the Free Trade Agreement with Mongolia" (Russian language)


In accordance with Disposition No. 18 of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated September 11, 2020 a Joint Feasibility Study Group on the Free Trade Agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union and its Member States, on the one part, and Mongolia, on the other part (JFSG), was formed. To date, two meetings of the JFSG and a number of expert consultations have been held.

For reference

The Agreement on International Treaties of the Eurasian Economic Union with the Third States, the International Organizations or the International Integration Associations dated May 14, 2018 stipulates the mandatory formation of JFSG for considering a proposal to conclude a free trade agreement. JFSG activities are regulated by Article 6 of the above agreement. The JFSG includes experts from the EEC, the EAEU Member States, and a potential negotiating partner.

Contact details You can also send your questions or suggestions on this agreement by filling out the feedback form on the Department's page. 

The EAEU's foreign trade with Mongolia (Russian language)