

EEC Council Members approved Agreement on administrative cooperation in weather forecasting and meteorological services sector

The document was elaborated by the Eurasian Economic Commission to ensure efficient information exchange between regulators of the Eurasian Economic Union countries in the field of functioning of meteorological services in the single market mode.


The draft Agreement defines a list of information to which free access is provided on the EAEU countries' official websites. The List includes information on current regulatory legal acts of the Member States affecting the weather forecasting and meteorology activities, as well as on the participants in the single market for meteorological services. Besides, the document defines a list of information to be exchanged between the parties - on termination, suspension, or revocation of relevant permits issued to participants in the single market for meteorological services.

 The Agreement will enable the regulators to exchange information between each other and prevent violations in a prompt manner. They will be able to request and receive necessary information from other countries' competent authorities, including on permits issued, participants in the meteorological services market, etc.

These mechanisms will promote the development of the EAEU countries' meteorological services market.

The Agreement has been sent to the Union countries for internal legal procedures required for its signing.

For reference

Weather forecasting and meteorological services operate in the mode of the Union's single market of services for Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Russia - since January 1, 2023, and for Kazakhstan - since January 1, 2025.