

The joint conference of the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia, the Eurasian Economic Commission and the US-Russia Business Council “Eurasian economic integration: moving forward, new horizons for business”

Page Content  On December 2, at Marriott Royal Aurora, Moscow, will host a joint conference of the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia (AmCham), the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), and the US-Russia Business Council (USRBC) “Eurasian economic integration: moving forward, new horizons for business."   The upcoming conference is the fourth in a series of events carried out in the past two years jointly by AmCham, the EEC, and USRBC to improve conditions for business development in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The program includes discussion of such issues as EAEU trade policy priorities, Eurasian integration in the field of transport and energy, etc. Speeches of the President of the EEC Tigran Sargsyan, the EEC Board Members (Ministers) Veronika Nikishina, Karine Minasyan, Adamkul Zhunusov, Presidents of AmCham and USRBC Alexis Rodzianko and Daniel Russell, representatives of the expert community are planned. A more detailed programme of events is published on the web-site of AmCham:   Date of the event:                      December 2, 2016 The event starts at:                    09:00 Start of registration:                   08:15 Venue:                                       Marriott Royal Aurora Hotel Moscow Адрес:                                       11/20 Petrovka Street   The program includes a scheduled press passage.   We invite media to participate in the plenary part of the Conference. If you are interested, you will need to obtain accreditation. Please provide your full name, media title, position. Accreditation will be open until December 1, 16.00.  Contacts for accreditation: Press Officer of the EEC Anastasia Gerasimova, е-mail:, Tel. 8 (495) 669-24-00, ext. 41-74.​