

The eleventh session of Advisory Committee on Cooperation between Supervisory Authorities at the Customs Border of the Eurasian Economic Union

Page ContentOn November 28, Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Customs Cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Mukai Kadyrkulov, will chair the 11th session of the Advisory Committee on Cooperation between Supervisory Bodies on the Customs Border of the Eurasian Economic Union in Moscow. During the session of the Advisory Committee, the following issues will be addressed: - the outcomes of the questionnaire assessing the activities of the supervisory bodies at checkpoints on the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union that was carried out by the business community of the EAEU Member States; - the work being undertaken on introducing amendments to the legislation providing for the use of e-documents at sea check points; - the progress made in developing the draft recommendations of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission “On the model scheme for organising passes for the customs border of the EAEU for persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals at road (mixed) checkpoints of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union.” - the progress made in developing the draft Decision of the Board of the EEC “On confirming methodologies (instructions) for officials of the customs authorities of the EAEU Member States which carry out transport (road) control at road (mixed) checkpoints at the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union.”​