

EAEU States to start applying goods accounting system

The EAEU States will be afforded access to the goods accounting system provided for by the Protocol on certain issues relating to the importation and movement of goods in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union dated October 16, 2015. The Eurasian Intergovernmental Council adopted relevant disposition.
Implementing this disposition will further make it possible to refuse paper documents when exporting goods included in the list of exceptions from the Republic of Kazakhstan to other States, which will decrease burden on Kazakhstan's business community, as well as enable the EAEU States’ authorized bodies to monitor legal movement of goods within the Union in a prompt manner using state-of-the-art IT solutions.
"Searching for ultimate solutions to decrease the control burden without detriment to the Union’s law is one of the priorities of the Eurasian Economic Commission in terms of implementing measures to improve economic stability of the Member States", noted Maksat Mamytkanov, EEC Minister in charge of Customs Cooperation.