

Circulation of veterinary diagnostic tools in EAEU to be regulated according to uniform rules

Members of the Eurasian Economic Commission's Council have adopted uniform rules to regulate the circulation of veterinary diagnostic tools within the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union. The document covers the entire scope of regulating the veterinary diagnostic tools circulation.

The EAEU rules will establish the uniform procedures for veterinary diagnostic tools registration, uniform requirements for their quality, criteria for their assessment, and a uniform format for information exchange between the authorized authorities of the EAEU countries while exercising the state control (supervision) over their circulation.

Until now, all circulation aspects of veterinary diagnostic tools have been regulated by the national legislation, due to which a number of EAEU states failed to exercise their
rights of veterinary diagnostic tools circulation within the Union's customs territory. The adopted document will create more favorable conditions for the functioning and development of the EAEU common market for veterinary diagnostics.

The EEC Council has established some transitional periods. The EAEU rules will come into force in two stages:

- 24 months after the date of the decision on their approval – for the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation;

- after 48 months from the date of the decision on their approval – for the Kyrgyz Republic.

Registration certificates for veterinary diagnostic tools issued before the date the EAEU rules have entered into force shall stay valid in the Union's customs territory within the time limits established under the Union countries' legislation, but no later than December 31, 2028. The marketing authorization application of veterinary diagnostic tools registered under the EAEU's legislation shall be subject to harmonization with the Union Rules by December 31, 2028.