

EAEU defined uniform rules for digital marking of beer and beer beverages

The Eurasian Economic Commission's Council considered an initiative proposal by the Russian Federation and decided to introduce the marking of beer and beer-based beverages in the Eurasian Economic Union countries according to uniform rules.

According to the document, the Member States will independently determine the introduction date and the procedure for marking these products by means of identification on their territory, sending an at least six months' notice to the EEC.

“National marking operators will interact within transboundary trade in accordance with the procedure set forth in the updated version of the basic technological organizational model of the EAEU system for marking goods with identification means,” explained Andrey Slepnev, EEC Minister in charge of Trade.

Given the fact that in a number of Union countries this group of goods is classified as excisable goods, additional requirements may be established at the level of national legislation to apply a tangible medium containing anti-counterfeiting means to the goods and to transmit information on full payment of excise duty.