

Package of amendments to EAEU Treaty adopted

At the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council held on May 25, the Heads of State of the Eurasian Economic Union signed the so-called Third Major Protocol which contains amendments to the Treaty on the EAEU.

The Third Major Protocol was developed during the period from July 2021 through June 2022. Its primary aim is to eliminate legal regulation gaps identified during law enforcement practice, to clarify terminology used in the Treaty on the Union, as well as to vest the bodies of the Union with a number of powers in terms of technical regulation, phytosanitary measures, the Observer State status at the Union and state procurement.

Thus, the Treaty on the EAEU now includes a number of provisions establishing legal regulation for hazardous organisms that are not included in the unified list of the Union quarantine items but pose a phytosanitary risk. The definition of the term "transboundary space of trust" has been clarified in Annex No. 3 to the Treaty on the EAEU: apart from interaction between authorized authorities (G2G), interaction between economic entities and authorized authorities (B2G) is now possible during the preparation, sending, transmission and receipt of electronic documents and information. The Rules for Issuing Licenses and Permits for the Export and Import of Goods are invalidated (after the entry of the Third Major Protocol into force, these rules will be established by the Commission). Annex 25 to the Treaty on the EAEU is supplemented by the provision on the mutual recognition of electronic digital signatures for conducting state procurement in electronic format.

Now, the Third Major Protocol will be submitted to the countries for ratification.