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Economy and financial policy
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Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Economy and Financial Policy
Bakhyt Sultanov
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News on «Economy and financial policy»
05 Sep 2024
EEC and WIPO promote joint international agenda on intellectual property protection
International coordination of intellectual property protection within the Eurasian Economic Union and the global agenda was one of the main topics of discussion at the Subregional Webinar on Building Respect for Intellectual Property for Representatives of Judicial and Law Enforcement Authorities of the EAEU Countries held on September 3-4. “Joint events of the Eurasian Economic Commission and the World Intellectual Property Organization have become a good tradition within the cooperation development based on the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding between our organizations,” Ernar Bakenov, Director of the EEC Business Development Department, noted in his welcoming remarks. The webinar participants considered various aspects of a comprehensive approach to intellectual property protection, given the current situation related to the significant spread of counterfeit goods, and discussed the most common cases of intellectual property infringements, including in the digital environment, as well as specific practical problems arising in the course of investigation and suppression of such infringements. “International trade in counterfeit and pirated products amounts to 464 bln US dollars, or 2.5 percent of total trade,” mentioned Todd Reeves, Director of the WIPO Building Respect for IP Division. The sides exchanged views and shared experiences on efficient methods of countering intellectual property infringements, including through the use of customs protection measures, mechanisms under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property, as well as the WIPO Alert service. WIPO is a specialized agency of the United Nations system, which is composed of its 193 Member States. WIPO is dedicated to developing a balanced and efficient international intellectual property system that stimulates creativity, fosters innovation and contributes to economic development while respecting the public interest. As part of the meetings of the Assembly of WIPO Member States held in 2014, the EEC was granted permanent observer status at WIPO. On May 7, 2019 a Memorandum of Understanding was concluded between WIPO and the EEC. The webinar was organized by the EEC and WIPO and involved representatives of the World Customs Organization (WCO), Interpol, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and other international representatives, customs, law enforcement, judicial and justice officials, as well as public authorities authorized in the field of intellectual property of the EAEU Member States
23 Aug 2024
Meeting between EEC and Kazakh business: focus on improving business environment
On August 23 in Almaty, Ernar Bakenov, Director of the Eurasian Economic Commission's Business Development Department, attended a meeting with the business community held at the regional office of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In his speech, Ernar Bakenov informed the business community representatives about the possibilities of their participation in assessing the impact of regulation within the Eurasian Economic Union on the business environment, including the “new”, introduced this year, procedures for assessing the actual impact of the EEC decisions and regulatory impact assessment of draft international treaties. “In 2023, 747 proposals on the Commission's draft acts were received from the business community during the RIA procedure. More than half of them were taken into account in finalizing the drafts, and the share of positive FIA determinations reached 98%. On the one hand, these figures show a high degree of involvement of the business community in the EEC decision-making, and on the other hand they show the Commission's regulatory “flexibility” and openness,” the speaker noted. Besides, the Commission's representative reported on the measures taken to ensure the efficiency of the Union's internal market functioning, as well as on the positive dynamics of indicators confirming the positive impact of the Eurasian economic integration processes on the business development. Ernar Bakenov presented information on the results of resolving specific issues previously raised by the business community of Kazakhstan, as well as on the progress made in resolving the part of the current issues that are still being worked out. The EEC representatives also answered the questions of Kazakh entrepreneurs and took the concerns raised by them for consideration.
24 Jul 2024
Bakhyt Sultanov met with Adylbek Kasymaliev, First Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan
Bakhyt Sultanov, Minister in charge of Economy and Financial Policy of the Eurasian Economic Commission, and Adylbek Kasymaliev, First Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, held a working meeting on the methodology for calculating the distribution ratios of import customs duties between the budgets of the Eurasian Economic Union states, an alternative mechanism for their transfer, as well as relevant aspects of the labor market development. Bakhyt Sultanov said that since the beginning of this year, the working group established under the EEC, chaired by Bakhyt Sultanov, had been preparing a methodology for calculating the distribution ratios of import customs duties and an alternative mechanism for transferring them to the national budgets. "The presidents of the Eurasian Five countries have entrusted us with the task of developing a methodology for calculating the distribution ratios of import customs duties between the budgets of our states and the frequency of their revision. The issue is very sensitive for our countries and there are still significant discrepancies regarding the principles on which the methodology should be based," the EEC Minister noted. In the course of the dialogue, the parties discussed approaches to the calculation of duty distribution ratios, which were worked out at the meetings of the relevant working group. An agreement was reached to carry out joint work on identifying the causes and prepare proposals to eliminate inconsistencies in statistical data on trade in goods with third countries, as well as to ensure completeness and reliability of data on mutual trade in foreign goods. In addition, the meeting considered access of workers from the EAEU countries and their family members to medical care in the state of employment and implementation of the Agreement on Pension Provision for Workers. According to the EEC Minister, this document is necessary to create equal opportunities for citizens of the Union countries in obtaining and using their pension rights. "We have prepared a relevant draft decision of the EEC Council on amendments to a number of regulatory legal acts of the Union concerning confirmation of length of service acquired by a worker in the territory of another Member State for periods before and after the effective date of the Agreement," said Bakhyt Sultanov. The parties expressed their willingness to continue the dialogue.
12 Jul 2024
Bakhyt Sultanov attended Annual Meetings of WIPO Assemblies
Bakhyt Sultanov, Minister in charge of Economy and Financial Policy of the Eurasian Economic Policy, participated in the meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva. The sessions, which continue through July 17, summarize the work of international organizations and WIPO Member States in the field of intellectual property and outline strategic directions for development. The results of an analytical study on generative AI patenting and copyright trends have already been discussed. Along with that, it was noted that the intellectual property system should remain human-centered to ensure a fair distribution of benefits to creators, innovators and society. A meeting between the EEC Minister and Hasan Kleib, Deputy Director General of WIPO, took place on the sidelines of the Assemblies to discuss the progress of implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the EEC and WIPO concluded in 2019. "Consultations on a wide range of issues are held between our experts on a regular basis, including the preparation of a joint webinar on protecting intellectual property rights," Bakhyt Sultanov noted. The Heads agreed to continue the practice of mutual participation in the EEC and WIPO events. Bakhyt Sultanov invited WIPO representatives to participate in the International Anti-Counterfeiting Forum to be held in Yerevan in autumn this year. The EEC Minister had meetings with the heads of international and national organizations in the field of intellectual property, in particular with Bemanya Twebaze, Director General of the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), Denis L. Bohoussou, Director General of the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) and the officials of the National Patent Office of Mali. The parties discussed the issues of bilateral cooperation of the Commission with ARIPO and OAPI, including the exchange of experience in forming regional systems of registration of trademarks and appellations of origin (geographical indications), as well as the prospects of concluding memoranda of understanding between the EEC and ARIPO and OAPI. Besides, Bakhyt Sultanov had a meeting with Vladimir Ryabovolov, Director General of the National Intellectual Property Centre of the Republic of Belarus, the subject of which was the work on the draft Agreement within the EAEU on approaches to combating infringement of intellectual property rights on the Internet. WIPO is a specialized agency of the United Nations system, which is composed of its 193 Member States. WIPO is dedicated to developing a balanced and effective international intellectual property system that rewards creativity, stimulates innovation and contributes to economic development while respecting the interests of society. As part of the meetings of the Assembly of WIPO Member States held in 2014, the EEC was granted permanent observer status at WIPO. On May 7, 2019 a Memorandum of Understanding was concluded between WIPO and the EEC. ARIPO is a regional intellectual property organization headquartered in Harare, Zimbabwe, which comprises 22 English-speaking countries on the African continent. The organization was established in 1976. It carries out activities in the field of industrial property cooperation aimed at achieving technological progress for the Member States' economic and industrial development as well as the provision of industrial property registration services. OAPI is a regional intellectual property organization headquartered in Yaoundé, Cameroon, which comprises 17 French-speaking countries on the African continent. The organization was established in 1977. It carries out activities in the field of industrial property with a view to implementing common administrative procedures as well as providing industrial property registration services. UEMOA is an economic and monetary union established in 1994. It is a subregional institution of eight coastal and Sahelian States: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. The Union has a common currency (the franc of the African Financial Community (FCFA). The UEMOA's main objective is to build a harmonized and integrated economic space in West Africa, within which there is total freedom in the movement of people, capital, goods, services and factors of production, as well as the efficient exercise of the right to free movement and establishment for liberal professions, residence of citizens throughout the community.
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Decisions on «Economy and financial policy»
09/06/2024 12:00:00 am
Решение Совета ЕЭК № 71 О проекте решения Евразийского межправительственного совета «Об Основных направлениях промышленного сотрудничества в рамках Евразийского экономического союза до 2030 года»
09/06/2024 12:00:00 am
Решение Совета ЕЭК № 70 Об организационных вопросах награждения медалью «10 лет Евразийскому экономическому союзу»
09/06/2024 12:00:00 am
Решение Совета ЕЭК № 69 Об установлении ставки ввозной таможенной пошлины Единого таможенного тарифа Евразийского экономического союза в отношении машин свекловичных ботворезных и машин свеклоуборочных и о внесении изменения в перечень товаров, в отношении которых Республикой Казахстан в соответствии с обязательствами, принятыми в качестве условия присоединения к Всемирной торговой организации, применяются ставки ввозных таможенных пошлин, более низкие по сравнению со ставками пошлин Единого таможенного тарифа Евразийского экономического союза, и размеров таких ставок пошлин
09/06/2024 12:00:00 am
Решение Совета ЕЭК № 68 О внесении изменения в перечень товаров, в отношении которых Республикой Казахстан в соответствии с обязательствами, принятыми в качестве условия присоединения к Всемирной торговой организации, применяются ставки ввозных таможенных пошлин, более низкие по сравнению со ставками пошлин Единого таможенного тарифа Евразийского экономического союза, и размеров таких ставок пошлин в отношении отдельных видов крышек
09/06/2024 12:00:00 am
Решение Совета ЕЭК № 67 О внесении изменений в Порядок взаимодействия государств – членов Евразийского экономического союза при профилактике, диагностике, локализации и ликвидации очагов особо опасных, карантинных и зоонозных болезней животных и проведения регионализации и компартментализации
Relevant regulations
Materials for the direction
public speaking
14 2016
The interview of the Minister on the technical regulation of the EEC Valery Koreshkov with BELTA news agency on establishment of the common market of medicines in the Eurasian Economic Union
Medicines is the first group of specific goods, with which the EAEU countries started to work closely by the beginning of the functioning of the common market. Using this experience, the EAEU will form other common markets - for finances, energy, oil and gas, and so on. The BELTA journalist discussed with the EEC Board Member - Minister in charge of technical regulation Valery Koreshkov, what stages are yet to be covered and how the common market of medicines will work.
14 2016
the Minister in charge of Economy and Financial Policy, Doctor of Law Askar Kishkembaev with the newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”: “Integration initiatives of the independent Kazakhstan in the post-Soviet space. View from Moscow”
In just a few days Kazakhstan will celebrate the main national holiday of the Republic, the Kazakhstan’s Independence Day. On this day in 1991, the Supreme Council of the country adopted a law on the Republic’s independence and state sovereignty of Kazakhstan.
09 2016
Minister in charge of energy and infrastructure of the Eurasian Economic Commission Adamkul Zhunusov answered questions of "RUSARMINFO" and shared his view on the level of integration of Armenia in the common energy market of the Eurasian Union
How do you estimate the level of integration of Armenia in the common energy market of he EAEU? And what are the objective possibilities of development?
24 2016
Interview of the Minister in charge of Economy and Financial Policy Timur Suleimenov to BelTA Information Agency: “Belarus plays a key role in all integration processes in the EAEU”
For two years, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan have been living in conditions of the Eurasian Economic Union, facing certain challenges and trying to resist them together. At the end of October, another large meeting within the Union will be held in Minsk - a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council. On the eve of this important event, BELTA reporter met with the EEC Board Member - Minister in charge of Economics and Financial Policy Timur Suleimenov to find out what the year of 2016 was like, how the EAEU will address issues of parallel imports and establish the rates of customs duties and what measures have been taken to establish the common financial market.
Useful Links of the EEU
Website of the Eurasian Economic Union
Legal portal of the Eurasian Economic Union
The portal functioning of the internal markets of the EAEU
The portal on the digital agenda of the EEU