Industry and Agriculture

Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Industry and Agroindustrial Complex Gohar Barseghyan

News on «Industry and Agriculture»

03 Feb 2025 Goar Barseghyan: "Digitalizing the EAEU countries' agricultural sector will accelerate its development and increase its competitiveness" The digitalization of agriculture in the Eurasian Economic Union will provide access to global markets, improve the security of food resources and facilitate access to financial services. These advantages were discussed at the panel session Digitalization as a Success Factor in Enhancing the Competitiveness of the EAEU Agro-Industrial Sector held in Almaty as part of the Digital Almaty 2025 forum. Speaking about the development of the digital economy in the EAEU agricultural sector, Goar Barseghyan, Minister of Industry and Agriculture of the Eurasian Economic Commission, noted that overall, the systemic measures taken by the Member States allowed to increase the volume of agricultural production by 25.4% over ten years. An important role in ensuring the Union's food security is played by mutual trade, the volume of which grew 1.6 times, thanks to which the availability of the main types of agricultural products and food the EAEU reached 93%. "It is important not only to maintain, but also to enhance this positive trend," the EEC Minister emphasized. According to Goar Barseghyan, technological innovations implementation will facilitate addressing this global challenge. "One of the tools for accelerated growth in agricultural production is the transformation of the agricultural market into a digital model. This is where the efforts of both the Commission and national governments are focused," she mentioned. According to the EEC Minister, the Commission launched an information resource, the Agricultural Industry Development Map, which interactively reflects information on more than 260 major investment projects being implemented in the EAEU, with total worth of over $18 billion. This information enables investors to make informed decisions on new agricultural projects, including those already underway. An important step in the development of electronic trade in agricultural produce was also the signing of the Agreement on the Rules of Issue, Circulation and Redemption of Warehouse Certificates for Agricultural Products. Its practical implementation will start from June 2026. The session was attended by representatives of the interested authorities of the EAEU countries, as well as international experts. During the discussions, the panelists emphasized the exchange of technologies and experience and proposed innovative solutions to deepen cooperation.
31 Jan 2025 Outcomes of Eurasian Intergovernmental Council's meeting on January 31, 2025 The Eurasian Intergovernmental Council considered a report on the macroeconomic situation in the states of the Eurasian Economic Union and proposals to ensure sustainable economic development. As preliminarily estimated by the EEC, the aggregate GDP of the EAEU in 2024 grew by 4%, outpacing the global average growth rate (3.2%) and initial forecasts. The total value of mutual trade in goods continued to grow at a higher rate in 2024 compared to foreign and mutual trade in other integration associations and will reach almost USD 100 billion by 2026. The Eurasian Intergovernmental Council instructed the Commission, jointly with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, to address the issue of expanding the mechanisms of financial support for joint cooperation projects to the agricultural sector and its infrastructure. Taking into account the specifics of the Union's agricultural sector, the Commission, jointly with the Member States, will prepare proposals on conditions for supporting the agricultural sector using the EAEU budget funds and on the relevant amendments to be made to supranational legislation. The Eurasian Intergovernmental Council reviewed the report for 2022-2024 on the activities of the Eurasian Economic Union countries to develop railway, road and port infrastructure that is part of Eurasian transport corridors. Eurasian transport corridors account for about 70% of the transit traffic volume in the EAEU, which underlines the importance of synchronizing the development of the national sections in each country.
31 Jan 2025 EAEU discussing application of mechanisms for financial support of cooperation projects in agriculture The Eurasian Intergovernmental Council instructed the Commission, jointly with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, to work on expanding the mechanisms of financial support for joint cooperation projects to the agricultural sector and its infrastructure. The Heads of State and Government of the EAEU have repeatedly noted the need for further cooperation on innovative development and seed production, creation of regional value chains, financing of joint projects on food production, development of trade and logistics infrastructure. Taking into account the specifics of the Union's agriculture, the Commission jointly with the Member States will prepare proposals on the conditions of support for the agricultural sector using the EAEU budget funds and on relevant amendments to be made to supranational legislation. Based on the analysis of the current state of the agricultural sector of the EAEU countries and the challenges facing the industry in implementing cooperation projects, the Commission considers a number of areas as the highest priority. Among them are the development of breeding and crop seed production, livestock farming, processing of agricultural products, improvement of agricultural infrastructure. The application of financial support mechanisms in the agricultural sector will make it possible to develop domestic technologies, build efficient supply chains for products and resource support. In 2024, the EAEU launched a mechanism for preferential financing of enterprises established on the principle of industrial cooperation. The main purpose of the new mechanism is to support entrepreneurs, primarily small and medium-sized businesses. Financing is available to those who will establish joint production facilities and cooperative chains or modernize existing production capacities. The support consists in subsidizing the interest rate on loans and credits to be issued by financial organizations for the implementation of industrial projects. This project is designed for five years. In 2025, 3.5 billion rubles are earmarked for these purposes in the budget of the Union.
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Decisions on «Industry and Agriculture»

12/17/2024 12:00:00 am Распоряжение Коллегии ЕЭК № 201 О внесении изменений в состав рабочей группы по вопросам предоставления промышленных субсидий
11/05/2024 12:00:00 am Рекомендация Коллегии ЕЭК № 22 О перечне показателей сортовых и посевных (посадочных) качеств семян сельскохозяйственных растений при их обращении в рамках Евразийского экономического союза
10/01/2024 12:00:00 am Распоряжение Евразийского межправительственного совета № 13 О внесении изменения в пункт 4 распоряжения Евразийского межправительственного совета от 21 июня 2022 г. № 8
09/06/2024 12:00:00 am Решение Совета ЕЭК № 63 О внесении изменения в пункт 2 Решения Совета Евразийской экономической комиссии от 21 июня 2019 г. № 100
07/30/2024 12:00:00 am Рекомендация Коллегии ЕЭК № 16 О мерах государственной поддержки микро-, малого и среднего предпринимательства в сельском хозяйстве государств – членов Евразийского экономического союза

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