

EEC improves system for finding and identifying explosives and narcotic drugs

The Eurasian Economic Commission began developing the unified standard requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union countries to the system for finding and identifying explosives and narcotic drugs.

The first meeting of the relevant expert group featuring Daniyar Imanaliev, Director of the EEC Customs Infrastructure Department, noted that so far the Union checkpoints lack such unified requirements. Today, Member States employ control devices whose specifications might differ. 

"Adoption of standard requirements across the EAEU will allow to harmonize the approach of the Union States to exercising customs control at the entire external border of the Union," stressed Daniyar Imanaliev. 

Expert group members noted that the document under development is aimed primarily at lowering the risk of illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and explosives in the EAEU and optimizing standard requirements to the system for finding and identifying them. Adoption of unified standard requirements will help improve security of the Union countries and their population.