

The first meeting of the Working Group on the establishment of the UISFTO (unified identification system for foreign trade operators)

Page ContentOn May 19, 2016, under the chairmanship of the Member of the Board - Minister in charge of customs cooperation Mukaj Kadyrkulov the first meeting of the Working Group on the establishment of the single system of identification of participants involved in foreign economic activity in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) will be held in Moscow. The meeting will be attended by representatives of the Eurasian Economic Commission, public authorities of the EAEU countries, as well as business communities of the Eurasian "Five". During the meeting, a number of organizational issues will be addressed. Also, the members of the Working Group will discuss the goals and basic principles of creating the UISFTO. The UISFTO, the structure of unique identification of the customs number and its formation rules. According to the results of the first meeting of the Working Group, the experts will join in. Reference The Working Group was established in accordance with the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council No. 35 dated October 16, 2015. The establishment of the UISFTO in the customs territory of the EAEU will ensure: - unique identification of stakeholders (including states from outside the Union) not only within one country, but also within the EAEU in general; -optimization of algorithms and improving the effectiveness of risk management by means of analysis of the entire supply chain; -simplification of forms of documents used for customs purposes, the structure and format of their electronic copies, as well as improving the reliability of the information contained therein; -reduction of the amount of data required for collection, storage and processing of electronic documents used for customs purposes; -significant simplification of electronic interaction between the Customs and other authorities of the Union Member States. The working group will specify the goals, for which the UISFTO is established, and tasks for its creation. The impact of the UISFTO on foreign economic activity in the Union and the budget for its implementation will be evaluated.