

EAEU States to assess breeding cattle using new methods

On August 22, the Eurasian Economic Commission's Board amended the Methodology for assessing the breeding value of dairy cattle.



The regulatory legal act was elaborated on the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the action plan for implementing the Strategic Directions for Developing the Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025.

The decision supplements the list of breeding traits of dairy cattle, as well as the procedure for measuring them and detailing the process of assessing the breeding value, with due regard to the recommendations of the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR). The breeding traits of milk productivity (milk yield, milk fat and milk protein) previously included in the methodology were supplemented with breeding traits of exterior (18 traits), reproductive ability (6 traits), and udder health (somatic cell content).


 Besides, the methodology is supplemented with the procedure for determining the breeding value of young stock and heifers, the procedure for calculating private indices and their weighting coefficients, as well as the complex index of breeding value of dairy cattle.

“The amendments will make it possible to determine the breeding value of animals in a comprehensive and complete manner according to the traits that have the greatest impact on the economic efficiency of dairy production,” noted Armen Harutyunyan, Director of the EEC Agricultural Policy Department. “In general, the use of modern methods for assessing and forecasting the breeding value in the EAEU livestock industry will improve the genetic potential of animals, increase the production of competitive breeding products, reduce dependence on imports and increase mutual deliveries”.

The transition period required for implementing the new methods in breeding production processes was extended in March this year until the end of 2024. After that, the results of breeding value assessment determined in accordance with the new methods will be entered into the registers of breeding animal (databases) of the EAEU States, as well as pedigree certificates (passports, certificates) of animals.


According to experts, the Board's decision will have a favorable effect on development and efficiency of livestock breeding in the Eurasian Economic Union countries.