

EAEU countries recommended to adhere to principle of administration procedure openness and simplicity in labor migration

At its February 14 meeting, the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission recommended the Eurasian Economic Union countries to improve their approaches to regulating labor migration within the EAEU.

In particular, it is suggested that Member States adhere to the principle of openness and simplicity in administration procedures related to employment of workers from the Union countries. It is noted that such behavior will contribute to increasing their comfort and will help in more effective tackling of one of the key EAEU objectives – shaping a single labor resource market.

It is recommended to promote conclusion of employment or civil law contracts in electronic form. That will allow to bring remote types of labor relations into the legal field, which, in its turn, will contribute to full enforcement of workers' rights and social guarantees provided for by the Treaty on the Union, on the one hand, and to improved efficiency of tax administration and statistical recordings, on the other hand.

Also, the EAEU countries are recommended to grant workers of the Member States and their family members a status that entitles them to a long-term stay in the country of employment. Until now in a number of Member States workers that concluded employment contracts for a term exceeding one year have not been able to register as migrants for the whole term of such contracts.

Moreover, it is proposed to give workers from the Union countries and their family members access to public services. That is related to some restrictions in using official public service portals. For instance, it is difficult or even impossible for them to register on such portals using their national documents.

Implementation of the document adopted by the EEC Board will make a difference in many ways and will allow the Union countries to regulate migration flows jointly in a more efficient manner.

Information Support Section of the EEC Organizational Support and Protocol Department