

EAEU approved list of priority areas in service sector for subsequent liberalization

The Supreme Eurasian Economic Council approved a list of priority areas for service liberalization, seeking to determine the service sectors (subsectors) where activities will continue to create a common market of services of the Eurasian Economic Union pursuant to the liberalization plans.

This list includes 117 types of services. They are, in particular, services for manufacturing textiles, paper and paper products, base metals, automobiles, trailers, transport equipment, chemicals, and chemical products, plastic products, molding, consulting services in various fields (law, environment, etc.), and others.


For reference

The procedure and stages for creating a common market of services in specific service sectors are determined by liberalization plans approved by the Supreme Council.

The list is approved by the Supreme Council as part of the activities under paragraph 1.3.1 of the Action Plan for Implementing the Strategic Directions for Developing Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025.