The Department of Protocol and Organizational Support as a structural unit of the Eurasian Economic Commission.


Organizational Support and Protocol Department is a structural subdivision of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The main objectives of the Department are:

  • protocol support for meetings of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, the Council of the Commission, the Board of the Commission, events featuring Chairman of the Board and Members of the Board, protocol support for business trips of Members of the Board and employees of the Commission in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure and conditions for business trips of the Members of the Board and employees of the Eurasian Economic Commission departments, as well as protocol support for the reception of delegations arriving to meet with the Chairman of the Board and Members of the Board;

  • organizational support to prepare and hold meetings of the Supreme Council, the Council of the Commission and the Board of the Commission, events featuring Chairman of the Board and Members of the Board;

  • documentation and technical support for activities by the leadership and structural subdivisions of the Commission;

  • strategic planning of the Commission's activities;

  • socio-economic analysis and economic forecasting for the States Parties to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union;

  • developing proposals on implementing the Commission's policy on science and technology development in the territory of the Member States;

  • planning and placing the information on the Commission's activities on official information resources; interacting on the Commission's activities with the media, public relations departments of public authorities of the Member States, international organizations, commercial entities; facilitating interaction of Chairman of the Board and Members of the Board with the media; planning and implementing information and analytical activities drawing on open sources to provide Chairman of the Board and Members of the Board with impartial information;

  • objectively representing the Commission's activities through the implementation of communication projects related to publishing activities, design and development of the official website, management of conferences, round tables and other public events;

  • supporting the Commission's activities in terms of preparing audio, photo and video materials; development, implementation and control over the use of the Commission's corporate identity to ensure uniform styling and solutions in the preparation and production of printed materials, multimedia products and tangible objects related to the Commission; as well as other communication formats.

The Department has the following structural subdivisions:

  • Organizational Support Section

  • Consolidated Planning and Coordination Section

  • Document Management and Control Section

  • Protocol Support Section

  • Press Office Section

  • Analytical Support Section​

  • Visa Support and Linguistic Communication Section