Rail transport issues are managed by the Section of Rail Transport of the EEC Transport and Infrastructure Department.

The Section performs the following work on strengthening the integration in the sphere of rail transport:

- implementation of the Agreement for regulating access to rail transport services, including tariff, policy framework signed on December 9, 2010. Work is also performed to strengthen the integration in the sphere of rail transport (Annex 1);

- further measures for implementation of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union with regard to rail transport (Article 86 of the Treaty on the EAEUArticle 87 of the Treaty on the EAEU и and Annex No. 2 to the Protocol on coordinated (agreed) transport policy);

- stuy of international best practices of railway activities regulation.

Subcommittee for rail transport

Contact information 

Head of Rail Transport Section
Beyshenov Zhanat Samatovich
Telephone: +7(495) 669-24-00, ext. 5392
e-mail: bejshenov@eecommission.org

Deputy Head of Rail Transport Section
Mukhametov Nurzhan Khazimzhanovich
Telephone: +7(495) 669-24-00, ext. 5361 e-mail: muhametov@eecommission.org

Statistical data






- On the main socio-economic indicators of the Eurasian Economic Union for the period January-August 2017

- ​On the main socio-economic indicators of the On the main socio-economic indicators of the Eurasian Economic Union for the period January-March 2018

Useful links
Republic of Armenia
Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies – mtc.am 
Ministry of International Economic Integration and Reforms – gov.am 
CJSC ”South Caucasus Railway” – ukzhd.am/ru 
Public Services Regulatory Commission – psrc.am 

Republic of Belarus
Ministry of Transport and Communications – mintrans.gov.by 
Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade (MART) – mintorg.gov.by 
Ministry of Economy – economy.gov.by 
SA “Belarusian Railway” – rw.by 

Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry for Investments and Development – mir.gov.kz 
Ministry of National Economy – economy.gov.kz 
JSC “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”– railways.kz 

Kyrgyz Republic
Ministry of Economy – mineconom.gov.kg 
Ministry of Transport and Roads – mtd.gov.kg 
SE "National Company "Kyrgyz Temir Zholu" – kjd.kg 
State Agency for Antimonopoly Regulation under the auspices of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic – antimonopolia.gov.kg 

Russian Federation
Ministry of Transport – mintrans.ru 
Ministry of Economic Development – economy.gov.ru 
Federal Antimonopoly Service – fas.gov.ru 
OJSC “Russian Railways” – rzd.ru 

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