

Bakytzhan Sagintaev: "The Commission's objective is to contribute to creating conditions for eliminating the EAEU digital divide"

Bakytzhan Sagintaev, Chairman of the Eurasian Economic Commission's Board, informed on implementing digital projects, forming IT infrastructure, as well as information security in the Eurasian Economic Union at the plenary session of the annual forum Digital Almaty 2024 held on February 2 in Almaty.

According to the Head of the EEC Board, digitalization and new technologies open up vast opportunities for performance improvement, optimization of business processes, as well as lead to the emergence of state-of-the-art business models and, in general, to increasing their efficiency. 

Nowadays, the EEC jointly with the EAEU countries ensures the functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union's integrated information system. G2G and B2G interaction has been established within the transboundary space of trust. Work is also underway to ensure transboundary B2B interaction. 

The Declaration on further development of economic processes within the EAEU until 2030 and for the period until 2045 "The Eurasian Economic Path" reflects provisions for creating conditions enabling online access to digital services for judicial and natural persons. In the medium term, the EEC will be able to start work on the flagship project "EAEU Interstate Services".

"As for this direction, I can state that the Commission and the Member States have the potential to implement a pilot project in the medium term," the Head of the EEC Board noted. "We will organize work on developing the initiative in a prompt manner".

Besides, Bakytzhan Sagintaev drew attention to the downside of digitalization – the growth of digital divide, which, in turn, may affect the implementation of four "freedoms": barrier-free movement of goods, services, capital and labor.

"The Commission, as a permanent body that ensures general regulation of integration processes, should not take a passive role, much less adopt decisions that hold back digitalization," the Chairman of the EEC Board is convinced. "On the contrary, the Commission's objective is, through regulatory and infrastructural support, to help create conditions for equalizing the digital divide, opening up infinite opportunities for business development and transformation, improved services and living standards for citizens."

At the next meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, the Commission will present its vision of how this problem can be solved.

For reference

Digital Almaty is one of the key platforms for forming and discussing global and regional digital agenda, challenges, decisions and policies in the field of digitalization across the globe.

The 2024 Forum expects more than 50 thousand forum participants, over 300 exhibitors and more than 200 invited speakers.