Regulatory issues in the field of ensuring food safety in the Eurasian Economic Union were discussed at a breakout session held on November 14 as part of the 18th All-Russian Congress with International Participation "Nutritiology and Dietology for Health Protection of the Russian Population". The meeting was organized by the Eurasian Economic Commission and moderated by Natalia Zhukova, Director of the EEC Department for Sanitary, Phytosanitary and Veterinary Measures.
"The issue of food safety is a global issue and is considered at all levels - national, regional, and international, as it is known that the basis of good public health is safe and high-quality nutrition," Natalia Zhukova noted. "Food safety is one of the most important factors giving market access to producers and enhancing their productivity and competitiveness, which contributes, inter alia, to the EAEU countries' economic development".
The meeting attendees discussed relevant matters of sanitary and hygienic safety of food products, healthy nutrition, regulation of food additives, flavourings and technological processing aids within the EAEU regulation, and shared their experience in registering specialized food products. The discussion brought together representatives of public authorities, scientific organizations of the EAEU countries and the Eurasian Economic Commission and encouraged them for further joint work.
According to Natalia Zhukova, ensuring food safety is one of the necessary conditions for all the EAEU countries to improve the population's quality of life by guaranteeing high standards of life support.
"Regulatory measures and coordinated approaches in the field of ensuring food safety in the EAEU, should be forward-looking, given that the scientific development, the emergence of new technologies, new substances and food products requires the application of new scientific and methodological approaches based on the assessment of risk to public life and health," she emphasized.