According to Ermek Kuantyrov, Director of the EEC Business Development Department, the key aspect of creating a comfortable environment for innovative business is adoption of digital technology at all stages of the intellectual property life cycle.
"Drawing on the global experience and the experience of the EAEU States, the Eurasian Economic Commission is building the Eurasian intellectual property processes taking into account the possibility of using modern digital technology, which will allow to ensure a highly efficient procedure for protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights," noted Ermek Kuantyrov.
The discussion participants were also provided with the information on EEC projects in the field of intellectual property that are being implemented via the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union.
"In the implementation of common Eurasian processes, the task is to take into the fullest account the Member States' best informatization practices for procedures of interaction between businesses, the Commission and authorized bodies of our countries," emphasized Director of the EEC Department.
For reference
The Anti-Counterfeiting International Forum is the largest international platform for constructive dialogue between representatives of public authorities, business, science, rights holders, manufacturers, authors and the public, where proposals are discussed and developed to improve the efficiency of combating the spread of counterfeit products, protecting intellectual property rights and creating a civilized market for goods and services, primarily in the EAEU Member States.
The Bishkek forum was organized by the Eurasian Economic Commission, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Anti-Counterfeiting International Association.
According to Disposition No. 3 of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council dated March 7, 2017, the Forum is held annually on a rotating basis in the country chairing the EIC in the current year.
In 2023, the 11th International Forum "Anti-Counterfeiting – 2023" will be held in the Russian Federation.