

Procedure for enacting amendments to Union's technical regulation on food additives, flavorings and technological aids approved

The Eurasian Economic Commission's Board approved the procedure for enacting amendments No. 2 to the Customs Union's Technical Regulation "Safety requirements to food additives, flavorings and technological aids" (TR CU 029/2012). This is required for a phase transition of the manufacturing industry and business of the Eurasian Economic Union countries to the new requirements established for these products.

Amendments No. 2 to TR CU 029/2012 was adopted by Decision No. 84 of the Commission's Council dated August 29, 2023 and shall come into effect on February 27, 2024.

The decision envisages a transition period of 36 months to ensure the validity of documents on the conformity assessment of products (food additives, including complex ones, flavoring agents, technological aids, as well as food products containing them) issued prior to enacting the amendments, as well as for the manufacture and release of such products into circulation. 

The Procedure for enacting the amendments includes the provision that food products containing food additives, flavorings and residual quantities of technological aids may be produced and released into circulation from the date of enacting the amendments, provided that there are documents on conformity assessment of such food additives, flavorings and technological aids issued or accepted before the effective date of the amendments and valid for 36 months. A transition period of 36 months is also provided for the marking of food additives, flavorings, technological aids and food products made with them.