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07 Feb 2025
EEC Invites Businesses to Participate in Eurasia International Exhibition in Tehran
The 3rd Eurasia International Exhibition will be held on February 21–24, 2025 at the Tehran International Exhibition Center in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. The event is supported by the Eurasian Economic Commission, the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade of Iran and the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran. The exhibition is aimed at strengthening economic relations between the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS and the Gulf States to promote more efficient cooperation in fuel and energy, agriculture, machine-building, transport and logistics, information technology and tourism. The event will be attended by Andrey Slepnev, EEC Minister in charge of Trade, Mohammad Atabak, Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade of Iran, as well as other heads of government authorities, business associations and unions, representatives of business and expert communities of Iran and the EAEU countries. We invite companies and organizations from the Union states that are interested in cooperating with Iranian partners, as well as representatives of the expert community and mass media to participate in the event. More information about the exhibition is available on the event's website here. In 2023, the Eurasia exhibition was attended by about 14,000 people.
06 Feb 2025
Possibility to Participate in Public Procurement of EAEU Countries Extended for 7,000 Industrial Goods
The Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission extended until December 31, 2025 the effect of Annex No. 1-1 to the Rules for Determining the Country of Origin of Certain Types of Goods for the Purposes of State (Municipal) Procurement (Rules of Origin), approved by Decision No. 105 of the EEC Council dated November 23, 2020. The document allows including in the Eurasian Register of Industrial Goods of the Eurasian Economic Union states of 258 commodity names covering more than 7,000 industrial goods, against the ST-1 certificate. The Rules of Origin define a unified approach to regulating the issue of determining and proving the origin of goods for public procurement in those EAEU states where preferences are established for domestic suppliers or restrictions are imposed on foreign goods. The Rules of Origin are aimed at increasing investment attractiveness, promoting localization and expanding cooperation ties between Eurasian producers. On the official website of the EEC in the section dedicated to the Department for Competition and Public Procurement Policy, there is the Frequently Asked Questions tab, providing reference information on the procedure for the inclusion of information on a product and its manufacturer in the ERIG and the Commission's actions to review a request on including such information.
06 Feb 2025
EAEU Countries Set Priorities for Cooperation in Pedigree Livestock Breeding
Prospects for cooperation in the field of pedigree livestock breeding were discussed by representatives of line ministries, scientific organizations and businesses of the Eurasian Economic Union at a coordination meeting at the headquarters of the Eurasian Economic Commission chaired by Naira Karapetyan, Director of the EEC Agricultural Policy Department. Among the key areas identified is the development of a mechanism for coordinated action by the EAEU countries and the Commission to exchange information on the development of pedigree livestock breeding, including through the Union's integrated information system. The creation of a reference population of dairy cattle, clarification of the list of statistical indicators and formats for exchange of information between the Member States and the EEC in this area, jointly conducted educational activities for the exchange of experience and best practices in pedigree livestock breeding were also named among the priorities. "Implementation of decisions in these areas will optimize the mechanisms of interstate cooperation for further introduction of innovative technologies in pedigree breeding, improved genetic potential of pedigree farm animals and development of trade in pedigree products of the Union Member States," Naira Karapetyan summarized.
03 Feb 2025
Commission Notes Changed Business Activity Dynamics in EAEU Countries
The results of calculating sufficient and leading indicators demonstrate a change in the business activity dynamics across the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. According to the published forecasts, the economies of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan remain in the upturn phase, while Russia and Belarus entered the slowdown phase. Armenia transitioned from the upturn to the downturn phase in business activity. The Member economies are expected to continue current trends in February 2025. The leading indicators are a forecasting tool used by the Eurasian Economic Commission to form an idea about the direction of the short-term business activity dynamics in the Eurasian Five countries. They accumulate the most important information about short-term processes unveiling the behavior of economic agents, as well as the main trends in the economy.
03 Feb 2025
Bakytzhan Sagintaev Discussed Joint Activities for 2025 with Nenad Popovic
On February 3 at the headquarters of the Eurasian Economic Commission, a working meeting was held between Bakytzhan Sagintaev, Chairman of the EEC Board, and Nenad Popovic, Minister of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, responsible for the development of relations with the Eurasian Economic Union. During the negotiations, there was a thorough exchange of views on the international agenda, and a discussion of the prospects for further development of trade and economic cooperation between the EAEU countries and Serbia under the current Free Trade Agreement. The meeting also covered preparations for the first meeting of the Joint Committee established in accordance with the Agreement, as well as other high-level events in 2025. Following the negotiations, the parties agreed to facilitate the creation of optimal conditions for mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation. The Free Trade Area Agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union and its Member States, on the one part, and the Republic of Serbia, on the other part, was signed on October 25, 2019 and came into effect on July 10, 2021.
03 Feb 2025
Approaches to Implementing Common EAEU Principles and Rules of Competition Presented in St. Petersburg
On January 31, the 8th International Research-to-Practice Conference "Modern Antitrust Regulation of the Economy: Tools for Improving Legislation" was held in St. Petersburg. The conference was attended by Vladimir Kovalev, a representative of the Department of Antitrust Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Commission. In his speech he dwelt on the EEC enforcement practice in the field of competition and mechanisms to improve its efficiency. Special attention was paid to the development of approaches to studying and regulating commodity markets in the modern digital economy and the work to provide clarifications on the law of the Eurasian Economic Union to businesses and the general public of the EAEU countries. The event was attended by Maxim Shaskolsky, Head of the FAS of Russia, Alexey Dronov, Chairman of the EAEU Court, heads of FAS structural subdivisions, representatives of the Russian judiciary and the expert community of the EAEU countries.
03 Feb 2025
Goar Barseghyan: "Digitalizing the EAEU countries' agricultural sector will accelerate its development and increase its competitiveness"
The digitalization of agriculture in the Eurasian Economic Union will provide access to global markets, improve the security of food resources and facilitate access to financial services. These advantages were discussed at the panel session Digitalization as a Success Factor in Enhancing the Competitiveness of the EAEU Agro-Industrial Sector held in Almaty as part of the Digital Almaty 2025 forum. Speaking about the development of the digital economy in the EAEU agricultural sector, Goar Barseghyan, Minister of Industry and Agriculture of the Eurasian Economic Commission, noted that overall, the systemic measures taken by the Member States allowed to increase the volume of agricultural production by 25.4% over ten years. An important role in ensuring the Union's food security is played by mutual trade, the volume of which grew 1.6 times, thanks to which the availability of the main types of agricultural products and food the EAEU reached 93%. "It is important not only to maintain, but also to enhance this positive trend," the EEC Minister emphasized. According to Goar Barseghyan, technological innovations implementation will facilitate addressing this global challenge. "One of the tools for accelerated growth in agricultural production is the transformation of the agricultural market into a digital model. This is where the efforts of both the Commission and national governments are focused," she mentioned. According to the EEC Minister, the Commission launched an information resource, the Agricultural Industry Development Map, which interactively reflects information on more than 260 major investment projects being implemented in the EAEU, with total worth of over $18 billion. This information enables investors to make informed decisions on new agricultural projects, including those already underway. An important step in the development of electronic trade in agricultural produce was also the signing of the Agreement on the Rules of Issue, Circulation and Redemption of Warehouse Certificates for Agricultural Products. Its practical implementation will start from June 2026. The session was attended by representatives of the interested authorities of the EAEU countries, as well as international experts. During the discussions, the panelists emphasized the exchange of technologies and experience and proposed innovative solutions to deepen cooperation.
02 Feb 2025
Bakytzhan Sagintaev Greets Eurasian Economic Commission on Its Anniversary
Bakytzhan Sagintaev, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, greeted the EEC on the 13th anniversary of its establishment. The Head of the Board of the Commission noted that since its establishment in 2012, the EEC jointly with the Member States has been working on the implementation of the fundamental principles underpinning the EAEU and aimed at the progressive development of the Eurasian economic integration. Within the EAEU, a solid legal framework has been created, long-term priorities have been set in various sectors of the economy and favorable conditions are in place for doing business and for employment of citizens. As the Chairman of the EEC Board Bakytzhan Sagintaev emphasized, the Commission's future work will be guided by the goal to contribute to raising the living standards of citizens of the five countries, as well as improving the conditions for economic growth within the Union.
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Useful links of the EAEU
Website of the Eurasian Economic Union
Legal portal of the Eurasian Economic Union
The portal functioning of the internal markets of the EAEU
The portal on the digital agenda of the EAEU