Customs cooperation

Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Customs Cooperation Eldar Alisherov

News on «Customs cooperation»

12 Sep 2024 EAEU improves legal regulation of goods release before filing declaration Draft decisions of the Eurasian Economic Commission's Board concerning the release of goods before filing a declaration for goods, which is one of the simplifications for AEOs, were discussed at a joint meeting of the relevant Working Groups under the Advisory Committee on Customs Regulation headed by Alexander Titov, Director of the Department of Customs Legislation and Law Enforcement Practice. The first draft envisages the possibility of indicating information about excise stamps in a simplified customs document – an application for release before filing. Thereby, it becomes possible to practically apply such a simplification as the release of goods before filing a declaration for goods in respect of excisable goods. The second draft decision supported at the expert level includes the procedure for checking customs documents and information regarding the declaration for goods for which the release has already taken place, that is, when applying the simplified procedure for declaring and releasing goods. Besides, the Working Group meetings discussed the issues of law enforcement practice of refusing to register an application for release before filing a declaration based on a previous case of filing a declaration outside the established time limits. The Authorized Economic Operator concept is an internationally recognized standard of the partnership program. The AEOs are specially designated persons granted with simplifications during customs operations and customs control as persons meeting specified requirements. Decision No. 103 of the EEC Board dated September 4, 2010 envisages the cancellation from April 1, 2025 of Decision No. 323 of the Customs Union Commission dated June 18, 2010 “On the list of goods for which special simplifications granted to an authorized economic operator cannot be applied”. Release before filing is one of the simplifications for Authorized Economic Operators. Decision No. 171 of the EEC Board dated December 13, 2017, approved the form and procedure for completing an application for release before filing a declaration for goods. The Working Group for developing the AEO concept in the EAEU Member States was established in 2014. It elaborates proposals to improve and develop the Authorized Economic Operator concept in the Union. The Working Group on Customs Declaration was established in 2022, its scope of work includes issues related to the declaration of goods, including the form and procedure for completing an application for release prior to the submission of a customs declaration.
11 Sep 2024 Armenia's project on developing national “single window” mechanism presented in EEC The State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia held a demonstration at the Eurasian Economic Commission of the national “single window” mechanism project as part of implementing the Strategic Directions for Developing the Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025. The event was attended by representatives of the EEC, customs services, public authorities and businesses of the Eurasian Economic Union countries involved in the project for developing the national “single window” mechanisms. The Armenian agency demonstrated functionality of the digital platform “National Single Window for Foreign Trade of the Republic of Armenia”. In particular, it presented the integration of the subsystem of economic entities, as well as customs bodies with other public authorities issuing authorizations for implementing foreign economic activities. The importance was noted of conducting this work by the Commission jointly with the EAEU Member States in order to become familiar with the approaches to building national “single window” mechanisms in the Union countries. Disposition No. 4 of the EEC Council dated April 5, 2021"On the action plan to implement the Strategic Directions for Developing the Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025" defines measures, mechanisms and activities for implementing the Strategy 2025. Paragraph 9.4. of the action plan stipulates the organization of events aimed at demonstrating pilot projects on implementing national “single window” mechanisms to ensure their compatibility and data exchange in the future.
04 Sep 2024 Authorized Economic Operators to get more opportunities within EAEU due to removing longstanding restriction The EEC Board adopted a decision to invalidate Decision No. 323 of the Customs Union Commission (CUC) dated June 18, 2010. This decision of the Customs Union Commission approved a list of goods in respect of which special simplifications granted to authorized economic operators (AEOs) could not be applied. This list included excisable goods and had been applied for more than 10 years. The CUC decision prevented the AEO from enjoying its status to the fullest extent and applying the simplifications when moving excisable goods. The adopted decision will contribute to further development of the AEO concept in the EAEU, attracting more companies, including those involved in the import of excisable goods. “Removal of the long-standing restriction on the application of simplifications in respect of a certain category of goods will contribute to reducing costs for the AEOs importing such goods. Under conditions of macroeconomic uncertainty, associated, inter alia, with difficulties in logistics, this is also an additional measure to support the Union's business”, noted Eldar Alisherov, EEC Minister in charge of Customs Cooperation. The Authorized Economic Operator concept is an internationally recognized standard of the partnership program between Customs and the business community. The AEOs are specially designated persons granted with simplifications during customs operations and customs control as persons meeting specified requirements classified as low-risk. In accordance with Article 437 of the EAEU Customs Code, the AEOs are granted more than a dozen simplifications depending on the type of certificate, including the possibility of releasing goods prior to declaration, storing goods at their facilities, and providing no security in transit.
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Decisions on «Customs cooperation»

09/10/2024 12:00:00 am Решение Коллегии ЕЭК № 106 О внесении изменений в Программу по разработке (внесению изменений, пересмотру) межгосударственных стандартов,
в результате применения которых на добровольной основе обеспечивается соблюдение требований технического регламента Таможенного союза «О безопасности игрушек» (ТР ТС 008/2011),
и межгосударственных стандартов, содержащих правила и методы исследований (испытаний) и измерений, в том числе правила отбора образцов, необходимые для применения и исполнения требований технического регламента Таможенного союза «О безопасности игрушек» (ТР ТС 008/2011) и осуществления оценки соответствия объектов технического регулирования требованиям этого технического регламента
09/10/2024 12:00:00 am Распоряжение Коллегии ЕЭК № 144 О проекте решения Совета Евразийской экономической комиссии «Об установлении ставки ввозной таможенной пошлины Единого таможенного тарифа Евразийского экономического союза в отношении вискозных волокон искусственных, не подвергнутых кардо-, гребнечесанию или другой подготовке для прядения»
09/10/2024 12:00:00 am Распоряжение Коллегии ЕЭК № 143 О проекте распоряжения Совета Евразийской экономической комиссии «О внесении изменения в пункт 4.4.1 плана мероприятий по реализации Стратегических направлений развития евразийской экономической интеграции до 2025 года»
09/10/2024 12:00:00 am Распоряжение Коллегии ЕЭК № 142 О проекте Меморандума о взаимопонимании между Евразийской экономической комиссией и Египетским конкурентным ведомством в сфере конкурентной политики и антимонопольного регулирования
09/10/2024 12:00:00 am Распоряжение Коллегии ЕЭК № 141 О внесении изменений в состав Консультативного комитета по функционированию внутренних рынков

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