

Outcomes of EEC Council's meeting on November 23-24, 2023

At the meeting of the Eurasian Economic Commission's Council held on November 23-24 in Moscow, the Vice Prime Ministers of the Eurasian Economic Union considered 49 issues.

The EEC Council granted a tariff exemption in the form of an exemption from import customs duties for certain types of cattle meat for industrial processing.

The tariff exemption for the import of electric vehicles into the EAEU was extended until 2025.

The Vice Prime Ministers approved a new version of the rules for issuing licenses and permits for the export and import of goods into the Union. Now these documents can be received electronically.

The EEC Council extended for one year the simplified procedure for confirming the origin of goods from developing and least developed countries.

Amendments were made to the EAEU marking decisions which will help ensure free movement of goods in the internal market.

The possibility to manufacture marine fuel with a sulfur mass fraction not exceeding 1.5% and put it into circulation in the EAEU market was extended for three years.

The EEC Council adopted a number of decisions to amend the Rules for determining the country of origin of goods for public procurement.

The Union expanded the possibilities for manufacturers of tractors and self-propelled vehicles to equip them with gas-fueled engines.

The EEC Council approved the Agreement on the common system for customs transit between the Eurasian Economic Union and a third party (third parties). The common system for customs transit between the EAEU and third countries is created.

The EEC Council approved a decision on the EAEU countries' regulatory legal acts in the sphere of natural monopolies subject to convergence.